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The Scholary Personal Essay on Chinese Culture

Essay Instructions:

Start with your experience at the airport in LA for the first time, being homesick and suddenly realizing you don't know when you'll see your family next...and then you see this family praying (try to describe the family: what they're wearing, how they are praying, etc.)...and the family makes you feel at home, and comforts you. And then you try Chipotle!...

Seems like you are talking about different cultures and about diversity...being a Chinese person in the US...even though everything here at first seems totally foreign, there are still things that are universal or recognizeable...

SO...some ideas:

1) As a Chinese person in the US, what advice would you give to an American who goes abroad to study in China?

2) As someone who is not religious, you still feel the power of your grandmother's prayer...what's the role of religion in your life?

3) How do you make a home for yourself in a foreign country? What do you need? Is it about the foods you eat? Is it about adopting the foods and culture of the new country? Or is it about keeping some of your own traditions and culture and adopting SOME of the new country's cultures?

4) How does USC support international students? There is a lot of talk about diversity and inclusion (maybe you could look up the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)...but do you, as a foreign student, feel at home here? What could USC do better? Or what are they doing right?

5) What is the benefit of studying abroad in a foreign country? Is it JUST about opportunity? Or dou you learn to be a more open-minded, sophisticated, broader person from this experience?

Whatever you choose, I want you to be specific. And talk about something that has changed you, how you used to think and how you think now...and what you want the reader to learn from your new way of thinking.

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The Scholarly Personal Essay
Personally, a satisfactory definition of my culture would encompass several realms. Some comprise Chinese religious beliefs, family traditions, and food preparation. Culture is an integral component of most societies, especially for people like myself who travel globally (Ontario). My love for adventure allows me to meet people of various diversities and backgrounds. For that reason, I hold on to certain traditions because they help me reminisce about home cognitively. In this research overview, I wish to discuss my cultural ways back home and how I nurture them while still in the United States. I first thought about culture during my trip to the United States. The process was long, as I remember finally getting off the plane after landing in Los Angeles, California.
A quick scan of the area illustrated that everyone was pacing frantically from all directions, while their faces looked confused and stressed with the hassle and bustle of the busy city. The environment made me feel worn out. As I passed down the stairs and many hallways, I saw a family praying next to a washroom, which immediately gave me a remarkable memory of my family back home. I remembered how we prayed together. Besides, this family’s organization and positioning made me imagine I was home. In my culture, family and benevolence principles are essential aspects. I noticed that every family member in the praying group was dressed modestly. For instance, the ladies wore a Chinese dress called Cheongsam, and the men wore a Zhongshan suit despite their Islamic background. The group was praying with their palms open, indicating that they were surrendering and trusting in God.
The appearance of this family will forever remain engraved in my memory. Pure happiness and joy are some of the notable aspects I recall. The unique part of praying next to a restroom without caring onlookers illustrates that they are a family stuck together who genuinely care for each other. Back home, we have a saying that states, ‘family that pray together stay together.’ Therefore, a warm feeling went in and out of my body when I first noticed them. Besides, at that time, many things began making sense to me. For instance, I realized that I would be in the United States for quite some time, unaware of when I would arrive home next. The thought of not knowing when I would ever get home made me homesick. I was now confronted with the reality that social media and communication applications would become the basis of my relationship with my family during my stay in the United States.
Food is another appealing cultural factor that binds us together (Sibal). Since childhood, I have always loved food. After I realized cultural similarities at the airport (after I finally stopped stalking this family), I was starving. Because there were many foreign signs of food establishments, I decided to dine in one of them. I recall reading the ‘Chipotle’ sign but did not know what they serve. Out of curiosity, I decided to try their delicacies. While eating, I observed how culture had manifested itself again (Brewer). For instance, I was stuck between choosing a list of unfamiliar foods but was unsure which one I would like. After consuming my chicken bowl, I realized that this experience was pleasant. Because I had not tried many foods outside my culture, I was always hesitant because, generally, I am not fond of new things.
Before coming to the United States, I had tried researching my school, but the information on the website was limited. For instance, the website did not contain information on whether there were any Chinese school community groups I could join to make my life easier when settling. However, having assessed and understood my surroundings, I can attest that making friends or settling in a new institution without help is not easy. Therefore, for an American who intends to study abroad, especially in China, I would love to offer advice to ensure they do not struggle as I did. The first advice I would love to offer international students studying in China is to embrace the opportunity and be authentic in their actions. The second part is that they should be willing to explore and discover new things, people, and cultures and learn to embrace the difference. Third, I would love to encourage them to be open to new friends since it is easier to succeed and learn new things together than doing it alone. The fourth piece of advice is that as an international student, it is important to enroll and learn the local language as you will be using it daily, especially when you visit the restaurant. Because of Covid...
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