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The motif of Sin and Atonement in the Scarlet Letter

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Please read the book scarlet letter and use the given document with instructions, choose a prompt and compose an essay based on the chosen prompt. Thank you

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The motif of Sin and Atonement in the Scarlet Letter
Through the motif of sin and atonement, the novel poses the question: is sin inexorable and does it have its consequences in the world we live today? Do the consequences of our actions come as a result of the sins we commit? By the novel saying that whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap, it affirms, and that our actions are directly related to the consequences. Sin and its consequences have been a popular subject with the inhabitants of the world.
The Scarlet Letter is a story of an ancient age told with the severity of an ancient empire. It has four essential characters, a wife, a wronged husband, a respected but an immoral minister and a little child. The Scarlet Letter is a unique piece of work exemplarily written, with rare originality. It is not a story of infidelity, but illicit love and complications of the sin. Even though it does not excuse sin and the illicit love, the writer also does not begin to write the story with Hester’s girlhood, which all creates a plot for successive consequences culminating into her crimes and sin. Hawthorne does not focus on this duration and goes straight to Hester's time in her old English home, her mother, her noble father, her meeting with an elderly scholar, an unstable marriage, their brief sabbatical in Amsterdam, decision to change cities to Boston, her husband’s tight work schedule making him delay for the sojourn, yet he sends his young wife to pick up a role at the station in a settlement scheme. She was left on her own, in an unstrained environment with no marriage obligations or a strong faith to show her directions unlike when she was when with her husband.
The story opens with the husband going to Boston for a timely visit that coincides with her coming out of prison to take her rightful place with her baby by her side, and with a badge of generosity on her chest.
Hawthorne does not condemn or even excuse her; he merely articulates that she ‘’doubtless was strongly tempted to her fall’ ’This paints a picture of consequences of a sinner’s actions, and from here it arouses interest and can trace the sin from where it began and how much consequences at has held moving forward.
The Scarlet Letter serves is a classic example of a manuscript that offers self-revelation to us. It is a simple story. There is not so much action, considering the characters are not technically developed. They are fully transparent. Their traits easy to see, have characteristics of our human nature under the blanket of consequences of the sins we commit. It effectively exposes the theme from a material point of view to a spiritual level that is an ingrained symbol of romance. It is a conduit for the transmission of ideas into subtle words, which seem to increase the vivid painting of a canvas of the moral compass. It scorches the wearer’s breast, separating her from the human form, yet, in the same breath, serves as a mystical that admits to her knowing other's hidden guilt. It is Pearl's plaything, it is the mark of Black Man, an image painted on the minister’s chest, it’s like a star sparkling in the midnight sky, and its spectacular glare tinges everything.
The story provides a pervading symbolism revealing how guilt is punished in this world, either by society, those who are interested who take the law into their own or by those who are guilty themselves.
The society has affixed the Scarlet Letter through Hester's purview. It is the most severe punishment a man could ever be given. Its objective was to protect the society rather than reform the criminal, like any other law of the land. Hester was to be target practice, an inherent warning to others. If she had saved herself, it would have been even better, but with that, the society was quite harsh to her. There were no any attempts to offer her a platform for repentance, it all crashed in a thud, and against all who were defiant.
The society had nothing to do with her actions, "but, with t...
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