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Same Sex Marriage

Essay Instructions:

Argumentation Essay

As we have now discussed the nature of persuasive writing, you have the chance to consider various controversial issues. A controversial issue is any issue about which reasonable people might disagree. This might include political, legal, or academic debates. For this assignment, you will be judged not only on your ability to craft an essay that adheres to the principles of character-action based prose, cohesion and coherence, emphasis, and motivational and global coherence, but on your ability to support a stance on such an issue. Support should come in the form of well-balanced appeals to reason and ethics. 

Not all arguments are the same, but as your book suggests, most follow a similar structure. They open with some indication of the subject, either through anecdote, general discussion, definition, or other shared context. They then take some time to discuss and define the nature of the controversy (problem) followed by why it matters (consequence). By the end of the opening (1 or 2 paragraphs, probably), they provide a clear statement of the author's position and the direction they intend to develop support for their position. 

Some arguments emphasize the foundation of principles, others a body of evidence, but almost all will involve some mix of inductive and deductive reasoning. In an essay on equal opportunity in the workplace, we might start one point of reasoning with the idea that we are a free society, and as part of our founding principles believe that acceptance of people of all races and creeds is at the core of our American values. This begins with the ideals of the Declaration of Independence--that "all men are created equal." If we look at how that principle is applied we find that it is used in a variety of ways: to support civil rights, equal rights for women, universal suffrage, school desegregation, and open immigration policy. The line of reasoning that takes us from that principle to a specific conclusion is dependent on several steps that help us to see how that principle relates to the particular issue. The more complicated the argument, the greater the number of points it will take to make the connection.

Begin your pre-writing by working through the controversy, including brainstorming the actors, their actions, their desires. To be convincing, your paper must consider the arguments of the opposition. Whether you refute, rebut, or concede a point, you shouldn't dash off your objection with a line or two. Show that you truly understand the opposing arguments, and make clear why your approach is more reasonable. 

At all times, you should seek to maintain a reasonable tone in your essay. Imagine that you are a representative of all people and have been designated the one to figure out what should be done. This will likely include doing some research. I have posted Resource tool items on a Procedure for Diagnosing Story, and on Thesis Statements. Please refer to these as you analyze your topic. 


I will require all sources to be photocopied, highlighted, and attached to the final draft. They should be cited using MLA citation style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Same sex marriage
Conceptually, marriage is defined as the legal relationship between a husband and wife. Religion defines marriage in the confines of their holy laws while the secular society defines marriage in terms of biological needs and purposes. Besides the religious rationale of limiting marriage to opposite sexes, the secular society does the same purely on the basis of procreation since only heterosexuals can engage in procreation. Due to the restriction set by both religion and secular world regarding marriage, the notion of same sex marriage brings a lot of controversies. Several arguments have been raised challenging the validity of the two strongest arguments against gay marriage -- religious and secular’s procreation argument. This paper discusses the controversial positions taken by the two sides regarding same sex marriage (Sherkat, Darren, Kylan, and Stacia 2010).
Although the matter of same sex marriages has deeply divided Americans, one would have to agree that the issue has moved to family policy debate. The fight for same sex marriage started in the May 1970 when Jack Baker and Mike McConnell applied for a marriage license in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Their turn down set a precedent for subsequent cases on the same. In the 1990s, same sex marriage would see a new twist in the methods used to prohibit it – the court. The Hawaii Supreme Court would allow for same sex marriage which unfortunately was preempted through a constitution amendment. Vermont’s civil union program adopted in 2000 offered benefits for the same sex couples (Meezan, William, and Jonathan, 2005 98).
In the year 2004 Massachusetts began offering licenses to same sex couples. Other states in contrast, about 40 of them, in turn made amendments in their constitutions declaring nonsupport for gay marriages. The trend had escalated especially when thirteen states banned the marriages in the same year. The issue brought a huge debate in most among Americans with a majority of the older generations – over 40 years of age against while majority under 30 years for the constitutional acceptance. As mentioned earlier, the controversy on same sex marriage takes two dimensions. One, the proponents consider it a civil rights issue and two; the opponents usually base their reason on morality. Most controversy though is the question of these marriages on the well-being of the American children (Meezan, William, and Jonathan, 2005 98)..
Argument against gay marriage
The argument against marriage is perhaps one of the few issues that unite leaders across world’s faiths as it is one of the biggest topics that directly affect religions. Although there are several other arguments against gay marriage, religious reasons appear to be the most standing reasons against. Some of the arguments brought forth by the opponents include the following:
The first argument against gay marriages is based on the notion that gay legalizing gay marriage is a sin. Religious critics of the act claim that legitimizing homosexuality is giving the society a blessing for a sinful behavior. Religious groups follow the teachings of their holly books, Christianity for example forbids same sex marriage in the book of Leviticus where it states: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Christianity views homosexuality as a huge moral decay and grossly unnatural. Islam and Orthodox Judaism consider it as an abomination punishable by death. Some churches also consider homosexuality as a practice that distorts the image of God and reflects the failure of man (Morris, David, and Gary 2004 28).
The other overarching argument against homosexuality is the claim that homosexuality undermines the institution of marriage. This argument is based on the definition of marriage. In the definition of marriage, one thing that cannot be left out is procreation. Both religious and secular views support marriage in the light of procreation. Therefore, a marriage between same sex couple is a marriage that cannot consummate since only opposite sex beings can procreate. Same sex marriage thus beats the logic of marriage main purpose which is to procreate. Stanley Kurtz, a social anthropologist, for example argues that Scandinavian gay marriage makes marriage seem outdated and that any kind of family including wedlock family is acceptable by the society. He continues to argue ...
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