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Romeo and Juliet: An Embedded Tragic Story

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the following prompts to write a DOUBLE-SPACED, 3-paragraph essay. FIND 3 evidence to support your topic.

_____ Romeo and Juliet was a tragic story.

_____ Romeo and Juliet was a romantic story.

_____ Romeo and Juliet accurately represent most teenagers today.

_____ Romeo and Juliet does not represent most teenagers today.

_____ Characterize Romeo in 3 words.

_____ Characterize Juliet in 3 words.

_____ Characterize Romeo in 1 word and give 3 examples.

_____ Characterize Juliet in 1 word and give 3 examples.

_____ Describe any of the main characters with 3 examples (Friar Lawrence, Nurse, Capulet)

_____ Who is to blame for the tragic deaths of R&J? Choose 1, 2 or 3 characters and prove.

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Romeo and Juliet was a Tragic Story
William Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet" exemplify the embedded tragedy among its characters; however, it is more inclined towards a tragedy of chance due to the conflicts between young love and old grudges. The first tragedy of chance is due to the circumstance of being born in different feuding families. There is a continuous grudge between the two families, Montagues and the Capulets. In Romeo and Juliet, the opening moments of Act 1: Scene 1 starts with a street brawl between two households. As the two families are not ready to forgive the other family and forget their past, there is a social expectation that prevent Romeo and Juliet’s love to propagate (Lupton 39).
The second tragedy of chance is the accidental death of multiple characters, due to rage and revenge, including those that are not even family members of Montagues and the Capulets. The most notable civilian death is the death of Mercutio due to Romeo’s refusal to fight Tybalt. In act 3, scene 1 Mercutio has just been fatally wounded and as he lay dying he said, " A plague a' both your houses! I am sp...
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