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Romanticism in America

Essay Instructions:
This order is for writer Peter only. The book we are utilizing is: The American Tradition in Literautre 12th Ed. ISBN: 0077239040. The assigned readings are: “Romanticism in America” “The Romantic Temper” – pp. 505-513 Red Jacket – p 513 Tecumseh – p 515 Washington Irving – p 517-520 “The Author's Account of Himself” – p 520 “Rip Van Winkle” – p 522 James Fenimore Cooper – pp. 568-570 The Pioneers, Chapters 1, 3, and 4 – pp. 570-592 Catherine Maria Sedgwick – p 729 Hope Leslie: or Early Times in the Massachusetts, Chapters 2-7, pp. 730-770 William Cullen Bryant – pp. 779-781 “Thanatopsis” – p 781 “Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood” – p. 784 “To a Waterfowl” – p. 785 You are asked to write a reaction to the assigned readings. These reactions should reflect your understanding of and thoughtfulness about the readings. Thus, for example, you might comment on specific points within a reading with which you strongly agree or disagree; make connections or comparisons across the readings or with other literature you have read; comment on themes, social issues or implications for the future development of literature. Also, you are asked to answer the following questions: 21. Identify the general characteristics of Romantic literature and thought. 22. Explain in detail the importance of nature, emotions, the individual, and the supernatural to the Romantic author.
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Romanticism can be defined as a movement in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries which marked the reactions towards literature, art, politics, religion and philosophy from formal orthodoxy and neoclassicism of the earlier periods. It arose steadily and had many different phases that there is no specific definition that can be assigned to it. According to Hugo’s phrase liberalism in literature, he tries to bring out the meaning in relation to freeing of writers and artistes from rules and restrains that suggested a phase of individualism that was marked with encouragement of revolutionary political ideas. A poet Heines notes that the main aspect in German romanticism is the way they called it, the revival of the medievalism in letters, art and life in general. The most interesting thing is the schematic explanation that calls romanticism the predominance of imagination over formal rules and reason which is classicism. Furthermore, it might be over the actual or sense of fact which is realism (Bryant 90). Therefore, for something to be romantic it should be real. For instance, the class beauty of the Greek temple existed mainly in its original and actual form. This term can be used in many senses and ways, the most recent favorite being that that sees the romantic mood of a psychological desire to try and escape from the unpleasant realities.
In the book the Romantic Temper, it talks about the romantic focus that was on spiritual or internal, physical reality against reality that led to the transcend list moveme...
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