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Positive and Negative Developments in Western Culture

Essay Instructions:
The topic of my paper is Roman Civilization. You need to focus this project around the following cultural theme: Positive & Negative developments in Western Culture. Questions: What artistic, political, technological, economic, social, philosophical, religious, and military developments were shaped by different Western Cultures? How did they change the world? Are developments keeping pace today with our ability to responsibly use them? Who controls these developments(gate keepers)? Is there oversight of these developmental \\\\\\\"gate keepers?\\\\\\\" You can use up to 4 sources for this project. Please DO NOT forget to include the bibliography/works cited on a 5th page and make it professional with correct format and information. The last paper I ordered my professor took points off which ended in a B because the works cited was incorrect. Please DO NOT forget to revise the paper. I have had to fix grammatical errors myself in the past that even a 6th grader can catch. I am paying for a Ph.D. paper and I expect to get one. Thank you.
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Roman Civilization:
Positive and Negative Developments in Western Culture
The earliest civilizations of man are among those that have the richest cultures and traditions that have influenced, and still continue to influence, the world. Indeed, different Chinese philosophies and invention have become the bases for some of the world`s current technologies, and even the modern English alphabet is based on the letters developed by the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, and Latin tribes (Taylor 71). Still, numerous historical accounts have shown that perhaps one of the civilizations that most influenced the development of the modern world is the Roman Civilization. Along with the earlier Greek Civilization, the Roman civilization influenced almost all of the different aspects of the society, from the way people behaved, to how they built their houses, and to numerous others.
In relation, this paper will then look into the said influenced of the Roman civilization, especially on the modern society. This paper will first look at the different developments shaped by the Roman culture or civilization followed the impact of the said developments and influences. Afterwards, a brief analysis of the modern society`s ability to use the developments responsibly will be analyzed, and the gatekeepers of the said developments will then be explored. Most importantly, this paper will attempt to prove that the Roman Civilization has among the greatest influences on the development of the modern society, but not enough importance is awarded to these influences by a majority of the modern society, which fails to use the said developments and influences responsibly.
Developments Shaped by Roman Culture
The different developments shaped by the Roman civilization and culture can be seen in numerous aspects of the society. First of all, their influences can be seen in the artistic developments and practices of the different cultures that succeeded it. Indeed, its influences were most seen during the Renaissance when the different Greek and Roman classics were resurrected and revived for more study. In the modern world, Roman influence can be seen in the numerous art works and literature created by the Roman artists and which are still available for viewing today; a very good example of which is the Colosseum. Various paintings, sculptures, landscapes, novels and plays, and other art forms have been developed by the ancient Romans, though some of these art works are now lost and only heard of in historical accounts. Still, in terms of art, perhaps the greatest influence of the Romans can be seen in the modern society`s architecture, such as in the case of aqueducts, whose designs became the basis for irrigation and transportation of water (Janson 159-162).
Another aspect of the society where the Roman civilization had a great influence was politics and the military. With the higher order of thinking brought about by the Greeks, the Romans easily adopted societal and political systems that allowed for a more harmonious and organized ruling of the society. Politics also was most influenced by the Romans through the development of an organized system of governance that is not solely based on monarchy, but also considers the opinions and inputs of the other members of the society, especially the philosophers. The ideals of Cicero also sparked changes in the political world, especially through the Renaissance and his influences on the leaders of the French Revolution (De Burgh 268). Indeed, the Romans are sometimes cited as the founders of the Republic system of government, as well as the creation of committees and assemblies.
Other than politics, the Roman civilization also shaped the development of the society in terms of its economic, technological, and social aspects. Through the different agricultural technologies developed by the Roman craftsmen and artists, the empire`s economy was also influenced. Taxation is perhaps one of the greatest developments shaped by the Romans, although the earlier Greeks have already begun to use it. The concept of trade of goods also most developed during the time of the ancient Romans. Thus, the spreading of trade routes, even to places as far as China and India, was also shaped by the Roman civilization. M...
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