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The rhetorical devices used in non-academic literatures

Essay Instructions:

Begin by choosing any topic that interests you (i.e. a political issue, a hobby, a new consumer product, college life, Hollywood gossip or some aspect of pop culture). Find two non-academic genres that address your topic. Examples of possible genres include but are not limited to newspaper articles, satirical pieces, reviews, blogs, online forum posts, Facebook posts, advertisements, scripts, recipes etc. Collect two or three texts from each genre. (If your texts are short you might need more than three in order to have enough information to do a detailed report.)

1. Write an argument that compares/contrasts across your two genres. You might compare how one or more textual conventions are being used across the two genres (inthe vein of your PBA). Or you might analyze the similar/different ways that the genres lend to their intended audiences. (Like you did in PB B.)

In either case, you should gear your paper around an innovative/focused argument that you state as specifically as possible in a thesis. You will evidence your argument/thesis with textual analysis. Pro tip: do not try to cover too much or feel like you need to discuss everything you notice—instead focus on one central thought that you can do justice. Your paper should be 4 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1 inch margins). Please use MLA citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Devices used in Non-academic Literatures Name Institution Rhetorical Devices In Non-Academic Literatures College Life: Drug Abuse in Colleges This article will make use of four texts from newspaper articles and blogs. Two of the texts will be newspaper articles while the other two will come from the blogs. One of the blog articles is titled Make College Students Aware of Substance Abuse to Prevent it by Platinum, and it is dated August 18th, 2014. The other blog article is titled Drug Abuse in College Students written by Anna T, and it is dated December 12th, 2017. The newspaper articles both come from the New York Times, and the first one is titled The Adderall Advantage by Andrew Jacobs dated 31st July 2005. The other newspaper article is titled Opioids on the Quad by Kyle Spencer, and it is dated October 30th, 2017. These four articles are all talking about drug abuse in colleges a subject that is quite sensitive and critical to any country’s vision of a greater future. Apparently, drug abuse in colleges is indeed a huge menace, and it will take the entire society to help deal with this issue. However, this article is not centered on this particular issue but on how these four articles, albeit from different genres, seem to have some similarities in how they deliver the message as well as their use of logos, pathos, and ethos to move their audience. One of the differences that emerges between these four articles is the use of personification in the two newspaper articles while the blogs keep it general and never seem to want to personify. In her article, Spencer (2017) ties her story to a student by the name of Julie Linneman while Jacobs ties his to Angela. Use of personification in an article is a form of pathos because the author is simply trying to connect with their audience and making them identify with the characters in the article. Instead of going directly and tackling the issue or topic at hand, Spencer and Jacobs took their time and did some research which led them to the individuals their readers encounter in their articles. One may not have had similar experiences with the characters used in the articles but personifying an article draws the audience closer and makes them one with the characters. Aside from the above, it also gives life (makes it relatable) to the story or issue being tackled or discussed. While reading the blog articles, one does get to understand the issues being raised but not at a personal level like while reading the newspaper articles. Looking at the four articles, there is an element of logos as all authors try to make their views and discussions credible. One notes the presence of some sources which are not only credible but also reliable sources of information. For example, in Spencer’s article, she notes that “according to a 2016 national survey…by the University of Michigan, 7 percent of 870 respondents said they had misused opioid painkillers; 4 percent had done so in the previous year.” Jacobs is also highly dependent on reliable and credible courses of information. In his article, he makes use of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia as well as quotes from Dr. Robert A. Winfield as well as Dr. Robert Herman. These are people and sources that can be relied on. The blogs as well do make use of sources as they also try to strengthen their appeal to logos. For example, the article by platinum makes use of data from the Nationa...
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