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How Rhetoric Functions In The Narrative Assignment

Essay Instructions:

4-5 pages of text, using the following format guidelines:

• 12-point type size

• Double line spacing

• One-inch margins

----Kenneth Burke……………… Rhetoric as Symbolic Action--- (in book pdf sent/attached)---

Recalling the functions of rhetoric, discuss how rhetoric functions in the narrative. Here are

some questions you may want to consider in your analysis:

• Did the creator (i.e. author) of the narrative have an intent other than to entertain?

• Did the choice of narrative “type” (i.e. a poem vs. a movie) play a role in the function of

rhetoric in the narrative?

• Is the narrative used to “bring together individuals separated from one another by alienation

and competition” (p. 210)?

• Does Burke's concept of identification play a role?

• Is there extensive use of symbolism in the narrative?

• Can the narrative be analyzed in terms of Burke's dramatistic pentad?

• Is there form (i.e. syllogistic, qualitative, conventional) in the narrative?

• How did the situation (per Bitzer) play a role in the rhetoric of the narrative? Consider

exigence, audience, contstraints, response.

• What role does language (per Bakhtin) play in the rhetoric of the narrative?

• Is the creator's (i.e. author's) voice (per Bakhtin and Booth) evident in the narrative?

• What role do images (“The Rhetoric of Display”) have in the rhetoric of the narrative?

Not that these questions are not meant to be answered in your paper. They are rhetorical!...meant

to make you think on the topic.

Please be sure to draw on direct examples from the narrative in support of your points.

If you use any secondary sources for your essay, they must be documented using correct in-text

citations and a properly formatted APA References or MLA Works Cited list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Rhetoric Functions In the Narrative
In attempting to discern the purpose of rhetoric functions in a narrative, it is essential to first critically understand what the rhetoric function is. Rhetoric refers to the conversational art through which an individual attempts to inform, persuade or otherwise convey information, attitudes, and feelings to a given audience. Rhetoric functions refer to the manner through which information can be conveyed e.g. definitions, explanations, descriptions et ceteraCITATION Ric13 \p ": 27" \l 1033 (Toye : 27). Rhetoric functions are also defined in some literary circles as cognitive genres. The paper, therefore, seeks to determine how these function in the narrative. The paper will utilize Kenneth Burke’s seminal book, “Rhetoric as Symbolic Action” as the case studyCITATION Bur68 \p ": 209" \l 1033 (Burke : 209).
The creator of the narrative primary motive was to entertain audiences. It however adhered to the didactic theory of art which emphasizes on the need of informative and instructional capabilities of any art work. As such the author would have the opportunity to propagate a given line of thought through the narrative. In Phaedrus, we see Plato using the narrative to argue for a line of thought. Thus, it would be correct to assume that the author has multiple motives in creating his work.
The choice of the narrative type is essential in determining the role of the rhetoric function. While modern rhetoric’s note that narration has in a sense subsumed rhetoric, it is essential to note that there is a rhetorical dimension to any conversation production regardless of whether it is a play or a move. Thus, different rhetorical functions would be used for different narrative types noting that the rhetorical dimensions of a play and a movie are different. Therefore, the role of the rhetoric function must be adapted to fit that of the narrative type.
Identification is one of the fundamental notions propagated by Burke as a function of rhetoric. He argues that rhetoric is the only solution to the problem of alienation or separation. He notes that through rhetoric, we can overcome separation and in so doing find the antidote to war and bring about peace. Burke, however, does not specifically attribute the ability to bring individuals together to narratives. However, we can extrapolate his statements and make the conclusion that he did, in fact, attribute identification to narrative noting that narrative is a function of rhetoric. Burke in his research noted multiple instances of identification to be pervasive in human society. As such, it can be assumed that the concept of identification does play a role in bridging gaps.
There is extensive use of symbolism in the narrative. Burke argues that language is a symbolic action. It provides the means through which narratives and the stories within can be brought to “life.” Symbols are the means through which we provide order to an otherwise chaotic world. The use of symbolism in the narrative is essential in assigning meaning to the various players within the narrative. It further provides the author with greater flexibility in determining the manner in which to employ his creativity.
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