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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Review and Interpretation of Variables in Sociolinguistics

Essay Instructions:

Students will read a paper and write a 500 word response describing the research question, methods, and results of the paper and providing a brief analysis discussing their thoughts on the merits of the paper and its broader implications. There is an example response on UBLearns.
There are three responses over the semester.

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Reading Response
In the study “Variation and the indexical field,” Eckert observes that some variation studies commonly present variables as that which reflects the membership of the speaker in social categories. Eckert notes that other studies arguably interpret the same variables as being associated with the features and stances making up the categories, but no association between the variables and the categories themselves. The purpose of the paper is to show that variables do not have precise or fixed meanings, but instead, some fields of meanings potentially make up these variables. The meanings are said to be related in terms of ideology.
To achieve the above purpose, the researcher reviewed some studies on variation that interpret variables as having general meanings which in the context of styles increase their specificity and that there is no static meaning associated with these variables. The research was carried out using the indexical order notion as outlined by Michael Silverstein. The study involved researching the possible connection between variables, style, and social meaning. Eckert investigated the differential use of variables in adolescents from Belten High. Next, the study investigated the possible relationship between the Beijing urban personae and Beijing Mandarin variables. The study also used the experimental works of Campbell-Kibler’s to determine the process of configuring indexical fields. Lastly, the research study used the example of /t/ release in the English language to try to explain the interpretation of variables.
The findings from the study on Belten High adolescents showed that the different ways the varia...
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