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Response Journal: Benefits Of Social Media

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the articles that you are planning to use to support your ideas in your researched essay, and now read it "against the grain," questioning its premises and main ideas, looking for weaknesses, doubting its arguments, and challenging its evidence. Following the general guidelines and scoring rubric for these reading response journals, compose a short essay describing what you discover during this process, not only about the article, but about your own argument and evidence. Do you think this practice will improve your own essay? Why or why not? Quality

14-15 (A)

400+ words

Original writing that responds to the question or prompt thoughtfully, demonstrates careful reading and an excellent understanding of the text in question, makes a clear, thoughtful, and accurate point using several details from the text as well as original thinking. The response is easy to follow with a reasonably logical structure and organization. It may contain some non-serious unintentional errors of standard American English conventions that would benefit from editing but do not seriously interfere with clarity or readability.

12-13 (B)

350-399 Words

Original writing that responds to the question or prompt reasonably thoughtfully, shows a good understanding of the text in question, makes a clear and accurate point using details from the text and original ideas. The response is relatively easy to follow with minor organizational issues, but little serious confusion and no more than occasional missing or unclear transitions. It may contain a few unintentional errors of sentence structure, grammar or mechanics that would benefit from editing but do not seriously interfere with clarity or readability.

10-11 (C)

300-349 Words

Original writing that responds to the question or prompt somewhat thoughtfully, shows a fair understanding of the text in question, attempts to make a point, but is somewhat disorganized or unclear, or remains vague due to insufficient details from the text. The response may not be well organized, or may have poor transitions. It contains more than a few unintentional errors of sentence structure, grammar or mechanics that interfere with clarity and readability, or suggest a poor grasp of some important standard American English conventions.

9 (D)

250-299 Words

Original writing that barely responds to the question or prompt, shows little thought or understanding of the text in question, fails to make a good point about the subject matter. This response is quite confused and vague, lacks details, or is riddled with serious unintentional errors of sentence structure, grammar or mechanics that detract from coherence and meaning.

1-8 (F)

100-249 Words

Original writing that doesn't respond to the question or prompt, shows little or no thought, includes few or no details, is seriously disorganized and confusing, or is so filled with errors of sentence structure, grammar or mechanics as to make it nearly impossible to understand any point being made.


<100 words or is not original wring. please do follow this grading sheet. thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Response Journal The authors’ main argument is that social media has an effect on life satisfaction levels of an individual. As such, they move ahead to assess how social media affects the satisfaction levels, mostly focusing on two explanations, that is, social benefits and social overload (Zhan, Sun, and Wang). The premise on which the article is based is that usage of social media actually determines whether an individual is satisfied or not. The authors opine that social benefits, which arise from the use of social media, have a positive influence on life satisfaction, while social overload has a negative influence on life satisfaction. Their assumption that social media can increase an individuals’ social benefits or social overload is questionable in the sense that most of the online relationships are superficial and it is hard to establish the real identities of online users. It is therefore not plainly obvious that someone would interact with another person online and gain social benefits as a result. Human beings are able to gain social benefits if they can identify themselves with the other person, mostly through sharing real-life experiences. But it is hard to take online users for their word since at time their identities are not even genuine. I believe that it is not possible to gain social benefits if you do not trust the people offering the benefits, in this case, online users. In addition, the authors assume that social media results in a high social overload because users feel like it is their duty to respond to comments and posts from their online friends. This assumption is not valid because, in order to feel that kind of responsibility or sense of ...
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