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Remarriage After Divorce Is Unacceptable

Essay Instructions:

Debate format:

There will be two debates: one for each issue. During each debate, the students not participating in it will sit along the walls of the classroom, while the two sides participating in it will face each other in the middle of the classroom. I will randomly determine which student speaks first, and then that student will call on a volunteer from the other side, who will call on a volunteer from the other side, etc. Each student must participate at least three times in his/her debate, showing knowledge of his/her position, citing sources, responding to the other side, and not repeating what others have said.

Works Cited page:

-        In MLA format (see the sample Works Cited page I gave you for the proper format)

-        Made on easybib.com (using “Manual entry,” not the automatic “Cite It” function)

-        Includes at least four sources: one a Bible, one a source read in class, and at least two from reputable authors who are experts on the issue

-        Website citations contain URLs

-        Each source’s citation on the Works Cited page includes an annotation explaining why the source is reputable

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Remarriage After Divorce is Unacceptable Objection 1: Remarriage after divorce is acceptable because divorce does not mean one cannot fall in love again. Divorce should not mean that one has to give up the possibility of having deep affectionate feelings for other people (Strauss and Engle 33-36). If a divorcee falls in love again with a person they feel they want to spend the rest of their lives with again, they are allowed to remarry. If their love is true and has been proven to have withstood the test of times and the ups and downs of life, then there is no reason for a divorced person to be denied remarriage. Objection 2: Remarriage after divorce is also acceptable on the premise that individuals retain the constitutional rights to get married or not. According to House and Laney, the right to get married is considered as a fundamental right for any person who has attained legal age (43-47). People have the freedom of choice in deciding to get married or not whether it is after a divorce or for the first time. However, this right is subject to different restrictions, besides age, in different countries. Remarriage after divorce is not regarded as unconstitutional and is, therefore, acceptable. On the Contrary: According to the book of Malachi 2:16, “God hates divorce.” This is a clear demonstration that divorce by itself is not acceptable (NIV). That also means that remarriage after a divorce is unfathomable and therefore also unacceptable. Divorce is against the will of God. Also, according to 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, “A married woman should not depart from her husband nor he from her. But if she departs, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband (NIV).” This is another clear scriptural evidence that divorce is not acceptable, and in case it occurs, remarriage is equally acceptable. I answer that remarriage after divorce is unacceptable. That is because allowing remarriage after divorce will allow the institution of marriage to lose its fundamental meaning. People will take it for granted. Taking the institution of marriage for granted is a...
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