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Relationship between Human Beings and Nature According to Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essay Instructions:

In a well-developed essay of 900-1000 words, examine one of the topics listed below. In your critical analysis, use text evidence in the form of direct quotation to support your assertions. A strong thesis statement should bind the essay together, and the flow should be coherent with appropriate points of transition. The essay should be the culmination of a complete and thoughtful analysis. Do not use external sources. Please review the plagiarism policy in the syllabus.

Here are the MUSTS:

Your paper should be 900-1000 words.

Your paper must be in MLA format: You must double space your paper, 12-point font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Full heading in upper left corner of first page, and last name with page number in header on top right. Please refer to the MLA Style Guide at OWL (link in Content).

Your paper must be grammatically sound. Proofread!

Beware of plagiarism! Review the college’s policy on the course syllabus.

Refer to the Essay Rubric in Content to ensure your essay is on the mark.

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Nature encompasses everything around us. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, “Nature”, reveals how human beings and nature unify. Emerson finds solitude in nature and senses oneness and solidarity through this essay, thus, this effectively begins Emerson's involvement in the beginnings of transcendentalism. Emerson states that humans must construct their own identities and perceptions, furthermore, serenity, and contemplation in nature are required for humans to achieve this. Emerson also lists how nature benefits humans: as a natural resource that sustains life, as the beauty that encourages sensual awareness, as the language that implies that words are inherently flawed, and as the discipline that allows humans to find their identity. Nature and its beauty can only be understood and contemplated when a human being is alone. Only in solitude can a human appreciate the value of nature because he is detached from the earthly distractions that surround him. Therefore, Emerson believes that the unified relationship between humans and nature was once disrupted but it is important to rebuild it.
Emerson believes that nature was created by God and that humans should rule over it. God's works are revealed through humans, whereas, human works are revealed in nature. God has provided humans with everything they need: land to live on, water to drink and use, trees to provide shade and fruit, crops to eat, and animals to play with and eat, therefore, humans must cultivate and enrich the resources that they can get from nature because God made them be stewards of nature. Thus, the connection between humans and nature contributes to the universal power cycle, in which a human can be reinvigorated through the inner child while being excited by the powers that be. Nature, according to Emerson, is a manifestation of God's Spirit, and it is how God communicates with people. Also, nature is wonderfully and perfectly constructed to have a transcendental effect on humans. Finally, Emerson believes that art is brought about by humans' relationship with nature and that art is useful to humans. Hence, nature is designed for humans.
Emerson sees nature's relationship with humans as beneficial and positive. He claims that spending time in nature helps people reconnect with their inner child and this makes life better. Emerson says, “The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and ...
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