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Relationship between economy and ecology

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Working along with natural principles of development, expansion, sustainability, and correction, people can create economies that are more reliably prosperous than those we have now and that are also more harmonious with the rest of nature.

Europe, Facing Economic Pain, May Ease Climate



LONDON — For years, Europe has tried to set the global standard for climate-change regulation, creating tough rules on emissions, mandating more use of renewable energy sources and arguably sacrificing some economic growth in the name of saving the planet.

But now even Europe seems to be hitting its environmentalist limits.

High energy costs, declining industrial competitiveness and a recognition that the economy is unlikely to rebound strongly any time soon are leading policy makers to begin easing up in their drive for more aggressive climate regulation.

On Wednesday, the European Union proposed an end to binding national targets for renewable energy production after 2020. Instead, it substituted an overall European goal that is likely to be much harder to enforce.

It also decided against proposing laws on environmental damage and safety during the extraction of shale gas by a controversial drilling process known as fracking. It opted instead for a series of minimum principles it said it would monitor.

Europe pressed ahead on other fronts, aiming for a cut of 40 percent in Europe's carbon emissions by 2030, double the current target of 20 percent by 2020. Officials said the new proposals were not evidence of diminished commitment to environmental discipline but reflected the complicated reality of bringing the 28 countries of the European Union together behind a policy.

"It will require a lot from Europe," said Connie Hedegaard, European commissioner for climate action. "If all other big economies followed our example, the world would be a better place."

But the proposals were seen as a substantial backtrack by environmental groups, and evidence that economic factors were starting to influence the climate debate in ways they previously had not in Europe.

Friends of the Earth, an environmental group, described the proposals as "totally inadequate" and "off the radar of what climate science tells us to do in Europe to avoid climate catastrophe."

Wednesday's proposals came from the European Commission, the Brussels-based executive arm of the bloc, and would next require approval by the group's member states and the European Parliament.

The energy and climate debate, which is playing out across Europe, reflects similar trade-offs being made around the world on mending economic problems today or addressing the environmental problems of tomorrow.

The political and policy response to climate change has failed to keep pace with increasingly dire warnings from scientists about the cascading effects of increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants in the atmosphere.

What progress has been made has come largely from cost efficiencies adopted by businesses and consumers primarily for financial reasons — the switch from coal to cheaper natural gas for electricity generation in the United States, for example, and the cumulative effect of years of increasing efficiency in buildings, vehicles, appliances and manufacturing around the globe.

In Britain, despite public protests, the government is pressing ahead on proposals for fracking, which has helped the United States drive down its energy-costs. Germany's plans to shift away from nuclear power by 2022 and to encourage the development of alternative sources are running into complications including higher energy costs for industry and consumers.

Jose Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, defended the new proposals as a hard-fought compromise and proof that it "is possible to make a marriage between industry and climate action."

He said the measures showed that Europe was still playing a global leadership role in reducing carbon emissions.

That drew a tart response from Friends of the Earth, which accused the commission of putting the immediate interests of industry ahead of Europe's broader welfare.

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Relationship between economy and ecology
15 February, 2014
Modern science and social practice including economics are currently focusing on the interdependence of the economy and the natural environment. Hafner in his paper “Ecological Paradigm and Economic Reality” eludes this new focus to the increasing presence of deficits and risks that are ecological in nature, the prevalent environmental, and there are endangered life in certain societies termed as “risky.”(Horner 155). Such deficits and risk, the environmental crisis, and the risky society have provided the need for an ecological paradigm of sustainable development. Hafner's paradigm proposes a strategy that comprises of total socio-economic, scientific-technological and socio-cultural development that are harmonized with set standards of ecological development (Hafner 155).
This, therefore, proposes ecological approach to economic (ecological economics). This is a new interdisciplinary approach to economics and economic systems and the biological and physical world (Condrea and Bostan). The view under this new paradigm is that the economy is embedded and dependent on the ecosphere that is the economy is part of a larger system. Energy, raw materials, and environmental services are from the natural environment and return to it in the form of waste heat or pollution.
Four core principles are inherent in this new approach that are; the economy is a subsystem of the larger human environment, economic models should comply with biophysical principles, limitations exist to the extent by which we can substitute man-made inputs and knowledge for natural resources and natural environment in production and consumption, and any economic policy should take into consideration the objectives of economic efficiency, and sustainability thus referred to as the science and management of sustainability.
Economics should shift from its traditional focus on business cycles, maintenance of growth, narrowly viewed trade policies, financial architectures, game theory, and management incentives. The focus should turn to the consequences of depreciation of natural capital and on ethics and equity as they feedback on their critical areas of economic concern (Ehrlich 3. Vol 13).
Recently there has been growth of awareness of the relationship between environmental issues and the economy. This has brought about three policy issues in natural resource management; efficiency, equity, and sustainability as constituent of parts of sustainable development (Condrea and Bostan 843. Vol. 7), According to Greiner and Semmler (2008), sustainable development is one that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This requires a balance in the demand of for natural resources and protecting the ecosystem where goods and services for economic growth are produced (Condrea and Bostan 844. Vol.7).
Ethical issues present the most important and primary concerns in regards to economics and ecological concerns. Rachel Carson in her book “Silent Spring” was the first to indicate the limitations of technological solutions in solving ecological problems hence highlighting the ethical attitudes individuals have and their economic activities on the environment (Hafner 117). From the New York Times Article: Europe. Facing Economic Pain, May Ease Climate Rules, it is clear that the modern civilization is facing eco...
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