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Essay Instructions:
Specifics: Due: 3/27/12 Length: 1,000 words Sources: 3 sources minimum, including the source of the Argument you are refuting Format: MLA documentation including both in-text citations and Works Cited list ESSAY 2 ASSIGNMENT Write a Refutation to a current argument in society, the news, your community, your school. (The journal reading is an example.) You must have at least one published source that explains the argument you are refuting (like The New York Times piece in the journal reading). For help, see “Guidelines for Writing a Refutation Essay” on p. 107 in your text. Begin by analyzing the argument you are refuting. Then, draft your essay using the analysis of the refuted argument, your thesis, and your refutation. You MUST cite at least three sources, including the source of your refutation, using MLA Format. REMEMBER, for EACH essay you write this semester: **You need a Title for your Essay. Consider: Your Purpose for writing, the Audience for whom you might write, and what you hope to convince/teach your readers. . Kidney Transplant Chain . All too often, I hear people say that they don't watch the news because it is always "bad news." So, I have been looking for news stories that are positive and have found that there is, indeed, some good news out there. Consider this story from ABC news--it really moved me, and I think it refutes the idea of all the news in the media being "bad," so it gives us something to think about for our Unit 2 on Refutation. . Komen CEO on Planned Parenthood Rift . Watch Video Komen CEO on Planned Parenthood Rift Duration: (1:41) User: associatedpress - Added: 2/2/12 In recent news, the Komen Foundation eliminated some funding that directly affected Planned Parenthood. The public outcry caused Komen to change their plans to cut funding and deny any political influence on their policies--in this video, consider the statement by Komen CEO Nancy Brinker, her appeals, and how she refutes any media accusations. . Essay 2, Refutation . ESSAY 2 ASSIGNMENT Write a Refutation to a current argument in society, the news, your community, your school. (The journal reading is an example.) You must have at least one published source that explains the argument you are refuting (like The New York Times piece in the journal reading). For help, see “Guidelines for Writing a Refutation Essay” on p. 107 in your text. Begin by analyzing the argument you are refuting. Then, draft your essay using the analysis of the refuted argument, your thesis, and your refutation. You MUST cite at least three sources, including the source of your refutation, using MLA Format. REMEMBER, for EACH essay you write this semester: **You need a Title for your Essay. Consider: Your Purpose for writing, the Audience for whom you might write, and what you hope to convince/teach your readers.
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Maintaining the integrity in relation to creation
It can be difficult at times for anyone who is new to the evolution and creation assumption to understand the various arguments the speakers tend to use. When one group or speaker uses their theory to explain, another clearly explains the wrong side of the theory which leads to more and more arguments on the same. This leads many in a way of confusion on which theory explains what is right and the truth. There are little things that one needs to keep in mind. One of them is that apart from science being wonderful, it is a fallible person`s instrument. Another is that all humans are fallible and fallen. All the information that is used in explaining of things in relation to biblical history will only appear uncertain, since the knowledge that is offered to humans will never be enough in that new information is constantly coming to the surface. This means that information in the evolution theory is constantly changing. But when looking the creation theory, the same information has always been the same. (Morris)
The question about all the humans being tentative and fallible should not allow people especially Christians to accept any theory. Instead, they consider the information that is defending the creation theory or the biblical creation. They should be careful on the information that is logically invading, factually incorrect, and science evidence that is incorrect in accordance to its understanding. Many of the information that is scientific are misleading when looking at evolution and creation theories. Some people involved in the practice of evolution theory do have the proper scientific training; therefore provide evidence that at some point harms the concept of biblical theory. (Wells)
There have been great difficulties in the process of maintaining the creation theory. Therefore there is need for good and continued review of the theory of creation that is also referred to the biblical theory. This is only because there are many Christians with the scientific knowledge of evolution. So the need to make them understand that creation theory is the theory that one needs to follow and clearly understand it is required. In order to make this happen, articles of the theory of creation must be very careful when providing the information that is in relation to creation. The researches are to be done in a proper manner in that the people get accurate information about creation in that order. Forums are to be organized by the various people involved in the creation theory adjustments in that a good and a well organized review are done. In these forums, creationists are given a chance to present and debate on the various issues that are in accordance the creation. They are argued to give articles that are published for future use by the conventional creationist experts in their activities. (Morris)
This can be useful, since people who are involved in some of the writings that involve creation will borrow information fr...
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