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Refutation Essay on Gay Conversion Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Select an editorial, op-ed column, a letter to the editor, or one of the essays in as an argument with which you disagree. Prepare a refutation of your opponent's logic, evidence, or both. I have to submit it by 11:35 tonight.
Guidelines for preparing Refutation or Rebuttal argument
1. Read accurately. Make certain that you have understood your opponent's argument. If you assume views not expressed by the writer and accuse the writer of holding those illogical views, you are guilty of the straw man fallacy, of attributing and then attacking a position that the person does not hold. Look up terms and references you do not know and examine the logic and evidence thoroughly.
2. Pinpoint the weaknesses in the original argument. Analyze the argument to determine, specifically, what flaws the argument contains. If the argument contains logical fallacies, make a list of the ones you plan to discredit. Examine the evidence presented. Is it insufficient, unreliable, or irrelevant? Decide, before drafting your refutation, exactly what elements of the argument you intend to challenge.
3. Write your claim. After analyzing the argument and deciding on the weaknesses to be challenged, write a claim that establishes that your disagreement is with the writer's logic, assumptions, or evidence, or a combination of these.
4. Draft your essay, using the following three-part organization:
a. The opponent's argument. Usually you should not assume that your reader has read or remembered the argument you are refuting. Thus at the beginning of your essay, you need to state, accurately and fairly, the main points of the argument to be refuted.
b. Your claim. Next make clear the nature of your disagreement with the argument you are rebutting.
c. Your refutation. The specifics of your rebuttal will depend on the nature of your disagreement. If you are challenging the writer's evidence, then you must present the evidence that will show why the evidence used is unreliable or misleading. If you are challenging assumptions, then you must explain why they do not hold up. If your claim is that the piece is filled with logical fallacies, then you must present and explain each fallacy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Literature and Language
06 May 2017
Refutation Essay on Gay Conversion
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality is formed by a group of psychologists who argue that there is a “cure” to homosexuality. According to Mock, this position has been rejected by the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association (2007). The refutation presented here is that there is homosexuality cannot be cured and until now, a big part of the society is still wondering why some doctors think that this is possible.
The reality is that there is still an ongoing discussion about this practice and modern health service still considers it to be unacceptable. Safety precautions have been done to make sure that people do not encounter this practice. Based on Hunt, It is necessary that health and social care leaders are able to deliver their intentions to the staff clearly that trying to ‘cure’ the LGBT community is detrimental and harmful to their health (2015). Furthermore, in the recent years, the majority of healthcare professionals are doing their best to fight for the LGBT community. There is excellent progress being done so there is equality in the social care systems and health. In 1973, gay activists were the victors when it was voted by the American Psychiatric Association to eliminate “homosexuality” from a mental health book. This made it official that homosexuality is no longer viewed as a disorder on its own.
Furthermore, there are undercover journalists who have infiltrated that gay conversion therapy is a sinister practice and it majorly consists of scaremongering. Based on a research done, which included interviewing the ‘survivors’ of the therapy, there those who said that there were odd sexual practices. In addition to this, Guyliner says that there were unhealthy fixations shown by the therapists when it comes to homosexual acts (2012).
It is not like a disease that needs treatment because a person’s sexual orientation does not need any cure or medication. A person who is homosexual or bisexual does not need to be cured more than someone who is heterosexual and be given treatment because they are straight. In 1935, Sigmund Freud stated that there is a mother of a homosexual man who said” “Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness.” When the Amer...
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