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Reflection: Sources Of Alternative Energy

Essay Instructions:

Narrative Reflection

In addition to the text or artifact you create, you will also compose a brief narrative in which you explain the process that went into “remixing” your research. What is the exigence that informed your remix? What decisions did you make based on the new rhetorical situation (e.g., considering purpose, audience, genre, context)? What did you learn about your research that you did not know or realize prior to completing this project?

Specific Requirements

Your project should:

  • Draw on the research you completed for Paper III;
  • Remix your research for a new rhetorical situation;
  • Develop a brief narrative that communicates your process (~1-2 pages);
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface;
  • Use MLA citation style if appropriate;
  • Be uploaded to Canvas by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Professor: Date: Reflection With the increased concern about the rising earth temperature, we are all being urged to save the earth by changing the energy sources we use today. This explains why many experts are now advocating for alternative energy sources which does not only preserve the environment, but can significantly lower the consumption of energy. Alternative energy is the best solution because it comes from the natural resources and does not disturb the balance of energy flow. It has taken more than a decade for humans to accept that they are the main cause of global warming .The drastic increase of greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels is identified as the reason of the changing temperatures on earth. The demand for energy has greatly increased as more than e...
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