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Reflection: Presidential Elections in America

Essay Instructions:

Read the 2 articles. Write your thoughts on the reading

Use casual language. Not a formal essay. Can use the pronoun “I”.



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Presidential Elections in America
The United States presidential polls are just around the corner, and their scheduling is for November, whereby voters will choose presidential electors who will, in turn, vote in December. The presidential race pits the incumbent Republican leader, Donald Trump, against Democrat Joe Biden. The two have their own set of ideologies and approaches, which has been the base of their continued campaigns despite the coronavirus pandemic, which has plagued many worldwide.
The campaigns have faced many challenges, such as the ongoing pandemic, which necessitates the public to observe specific containment issues. However, Trump has remained hesitant to following some of these control measures, putting up a macho persona such as not wearing a mask and holding rallies (Medina, 2020). I think that this toxic masculinity has continued endangering American lives in light of the pandemic, evidenced by Trump’s recent diagnosis with COVID-19.
The campaigns have also encountered the African American protests concerning the brutal killing of their counterparts like George Floyd. I would expect that the Latinos and Hispanics, being a minority group, would prefer to support a Democrat, but this has not been the case for these groups' male populations (Medina, 2020). The majority of them share in Trump’s philosophy and appreciate his strong-willed character when dealing with American issues, deeming him perfect for boosting the economy, thus overlooking their racial discrepancies as compared to the women.
Although most of Trump's decisions tend to restrict the Latino from gaining access to America, the Mexican-Americans prefer to look at the bigger picture. These Americans view that his policies to better citizens' lives and overall communism outweigh some of these decisions, such as anti-immigration laws and restricting trave...
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