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Reflection on Enlighten and Myth

Essay Instructions:

1. Bring two discussion questions about our readings

2. write a response to the readings – this is not a summary but your reaction to the ideas expressed. What did you find interesting? Troubling? What did you think the author got right or wrong about their subject. This is very free form, but you should use it as an opportunity to hone your writing skills. Your response should center on our texts.

This response should allow getting a sense of what you got out of the readings and what you would like to discuss. I encourage you to put texts we have read in a given week in dialogue with readings throughout the course. Feel free to ask clarifying/factual questions in addition to discussion questions. Here are examples of both types of questions:

Discussion question – this is a question without a clear, easily researched answer that will lead to open discussion and debate. It should be based in our texts and not overly general:


What are the similarities and differences between Fordism and Stalinism?

How does reading Engels change the way that we see Smith?

Clarifying/Factual Question. Feel free to ask about anything that you would like more background information about. This is a question with a clear, empirical answer


What was the constituent assembly?

Who is the silent majority”?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflection on Enlighten and Myth
The readings focus on changing the reader's perception from a mediocre to a person of significant impact. Accordingly, there is a sense in which the readings help one to become aware of the downfalls and limitations associated with either fear or a lack of knowledge.
The first reading focuses on the principle of enlightenment. It establishes that enlightenment is a shift from timidity and indecision to self-awareness and belief in self. The article is essential in differentiating between mediocre and diligent persons. A person who exhibits mediocrity depends on the perceptions and confidence of others to achieve a sense of security and validation. On the other hand, diligent and positively impactful persons do not depend on others to perceive themselves as free to pursue their dreams and fearless enough to decide on their destiny regardless of judgment from relatives and society in general. For this reason, Kunt (1) states that nonage leads to indecision and discouragement from pursuing goals that are of significance and satisfaction to a given individual. However, the article does not account for contexts in which an individual lacks prop...
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