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Reflection on My Antonio, A Raisin in the Sun, and Race, Justice, and the Promise of the Founding

Essay Instructions:

Please see the instructions in the attachment.

Please be aware of these instructions below:

The major flaws that have occurred in the past I share with you now, so you do not make the same mistakes. Read carefully.

Problem One: Paper is underdeveloped--should be at least five pages. Beware of stingy paragraphs, too.

Problem Two: Students forgot to include direct quotes from the works themselves. NOOO! Must substantiate claims. There MUST be quotes from the books you choose! Of course paraphrasing and summarizing are a part of a strong paper, as well, along with your analysis. But I would guesstimate that up to 25% of this sort of paper can include quotes so the reader can hear the tone, style, and voices of the authors and characters. On the flip side, please avoid too much summarizing.

Problem Three: No Works Cited page. This is a no-no. Must have at least three of the works we studied, and then citations for any other books you utilize, set up in perfect MLA format. I love hearing about other works beyond our class.

Problem Four: Focusing on the American Dream. Remember, you have talked about this theme in six different discussion boards at this point and incorporated the theme into multiple papers! That is enough. Thus, you do not have to deal with the class theme in this final paper whatsoever. Hope that makes sense! In fact, I would prefer little to no discussion of AD. This is your chance to branch out into many different themes and disciplines. Again, study the prompt carefully—nothing there about the American Dream.

Problem Five: The content is solid but the grammar is incorrect/poor, in part because the paper was hurried. This can destroy a grade. Do not let that happen to you. Also, MLA or stylistic weaknesses diminish the overall effect of the essay. I will be a stickler. Use your own voice. Avoid the mundane or obvious.

Speak from the heart and the mind on this one. Read the directions carefully. Reference as many out-of-class books that you need to in support of your overall thesis, as well. I hope you enjoy putting this together. Don't procrastinate. Work on it a bit each day. Even include works you have read since you were a child if you think they support your arguments and claims. Again, I would love a grand variety beyond our five works, especially from those of you who are avid readers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Great Books Final Essay
A great piece of writing is a piece of literature that stands the test of time and always invoke its readers to be creative thinkers to understand the intended meaning. Accordingly, time can be as short as 20 years or as long as a thousand years, provided the work has been used, analyzed, criticized, tested, and still maintains its relevance. Further, great writing has a global appeal that influences leaders through the integration of themes relevant to the tradition and contemporary world without losing its original taste. Additionally, good work inspires other upcoming authors, and their style can be traced back to the original authors. Thus, this paper will focus on the Great Books that inspired literature and encouraged readers to think creatively and vividly to understand the author's original message. In addition, this paper will examine how Raisin in the sun, My Antonia, and Race, Justice, and the Promise of the Founding widened my imagination and deepened my soul.
A Raisin in the Sun By Lorraine Hansberry
A Raisin in the Sun is a play written by Lorraine Hansberry; this novel depicts a black family's pursuit to find liberty, freedom, and happiness for all and sundry. A critical analysis of the theme and characters of the play reveals that in the space, all characters pursue their notion of freedom and equality, and all get their respective setback. Therefore, the theater manager Leskowitz claims that just like Death of a Salesman and Love in the City, the characters of this play also seek to accomplish their ideals of American dreams and represent the highly idealistic American families of the 1950s. The struggle of all the major characters of the play: Walter Younger, Beneatha Younger, and Lena Younger, is the manifestation of the troublesome journey of a black family toward social and material equality. All characters try to utilize the 10000-dollar insurance money for Mr. Younger's death in their way, and their clash of interests marks their struggle to accomplish their American dream. This play embodies the notion of drying up dreams like a raisin, as expressed in Langston Hughes' poem "A Dream Deferred. "
Hansberry's choice of work and use of imagery triggers the reader to be. For instance, That was a long time ago. Now the once-loved pattern of the couch upholstery has to fight to show itself from under the acres of crochet doilies and couch covers which have themselves finally come to be more important than the upholstery ( Hansberry, 23). In addition, the book takes us through time to understand the struggles of black people and how hard it was for them to survive during the civil movement wars. Further, the book deepens my soul by making me understand and appreciate the modern world where individuals can afford basic needs and where health is almost universal.
Race, Justice, and the Promise of the Founding
In Frederick Douglass's America: Race, Justice, and the Promise of the Founding, Peter C. Myers argues that the great cause of Douglass's life was integration and his great theme was hopefulness in America's capacity to secure justice for all, irrespective of race, color, sex, or creed. During the time of the civil rights drift, even though it had achieved some triumphs, it neglected the American core principles leading to racism which encouraged separations. Hudson (2010) argues that Douglass advocated for integration and believed that America could become a more just society if it brought different races and groups together. Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was a youngster who escaped slavery in Maryland and went to New York during the summer of 1841 and took the name, Frederick Douglass. He had a powerful voice and was very intelligent. He would become an outspoken critic of slavery, a leading voice for racial justice, and an unwavering champion of the Constit...
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