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Reading Culinary Article

Essay Instructions:

40% of the final mark

This article comes from Saveur, a well-researched online culinary magazine. The article reflects the cuisine and culture of one of many countries and offer a lot of variety

 You will answer the following questions relating it to the content of your article:

o What did I learn from this article?

o What are your thoughts on this country’s (or region’s) culinary or cultural practices?

o What new foreign words/terms did you learn – please include a list of at least 10 words and their meaning/definition.

You will write your essay in paragraph form, using your questions as headings to each section( on average 400 words).

Saveur Magazine Articles:

The Law of Chinese Noodles


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Reading Culinary Article
Human body demand food to survive and maintenance of good health. Nutrients or energy requirements may vary with ages, sex, race and physical activities. Individuals in different societies consume various food items as part of cultural practice, making nutrition a vital biological factor. In this paper, the focus is to reflect on cuisine and food culture of China.
What did I learn from this article?
From the article, the history of noodle development and its cultural significance as a particular type of food can be deduced. I have noted that noodles are an inseparable part of Chinese culture, even though these cereal products are unpopular and unrecognized in other societies. Although Chinese people have consumed noodles for years, preparation methods and ingredients vary greatly, building the secret behind the love for such food. Generally, noodles reflect the history of community differences, traditional values, social change, and the culture of societies like China. . I have also learned that Chinese food has an aromatic flavor and excellent taste, and these are some of the main features. Lastly, I have learned that noodles have the ability to reflect the social changes, cultural identity, regional differences, traditional values, and history of China.
What are your thoughts on this country's culinary or cultural practices?
Chinese people are not majorly concerned ...
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