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Essay Instructions:

The film Race: The Power of an Illusion notes several common false assumptions about race, as a concept.

These include:

1. Racial categories represent scientifically definable biological differences between groups.

2. Every human has a specific and objectively correct racial identity.

3. Individuals cannot change their racial identity.

4. Every ethnic group has a specific and objectively correct racial identity. (e.g. “Irish people are White”).

5. Ethnic groups cannot change their racial identity.

6. Because racial identity includes both physical appearance and other, deeper, genetic qualities, a person’s race can provide meaningful information about other aspects of their personality, such as athletic ability, musical aptitude or intelligence.

Please choose one of these misconceptions and address the following questions about it in a 250 – 500 word post.

1. Why is this belief incorrect?

2. How, in your opinion, might this misconception affect people’s experience? In other words, how might this idea about race cause people to see the world differently from how they otherwise might? You may be as specific or general as you want in the way you address this question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
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Belief: Because racial identity includes both physical appearance and other, deeper, genetic qualities, a person’s race can provide meaningful information about other aspects of their personality, such as athletic ability, musical aptitude, or intelligence.
Question. How, in your opinion, might this misconception affect people’s experience? In other words, how might this idea about race cause people to see the world differently from how they otherwise might? You may be as specific or general as you want in the way you address this question.
Racial identity encourages people to judge and discriminate against others based on their biological traits. The predetermined “qualities” shaped by biology and society influence our physical and behavioral perceptions about them, leading to several misconceptions. Consequently, these result in misconstructions of ideologies and erroneous beliefs based on the superiority of traits, and it ultimately affects people’s experiences of themselves and others.
Racial identity forms the students’ academic identity. In the United States, Asians or people of color are often judged based on their ability to speak the English language. This is especially true for immigrants who did not grow up in the U.S. Of course, these students may have difficulty speaking English because it is not their primary language. Initially, it will be difficult for them to participate in class due to the nuisance in understanding the lessons.
However, once they get used to the language, they will begin to excel as much as the Americans do. To prove this, Hassan states that Asian-Americans are stereotyped as uneducated and filthy people denied U.S. citizenship. Despite the stereotype, Chinese-Americans are twice as more likely to finish tertiary educat...
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