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Racial Formation Theory in Sociology

Essay Instructions:

please paraphrase the idea of "racial formation" in your own word

(Racial formation theory is an analytical tool in sociology, developed by Michael Omi and Howard Winant, which is used to look at race as a socially constructed identity, where the content and importance of racial categories are determined by social, economic, and political forces.) and "racial project" (“Projects,” here, refers to a representation of race that situates it in social structure. A racial project can take the form of common sense assumptions about racial groups, about whether or not race is significant in today’s society, or narratives and images that depict race and racial categories through mass media, for example. These situate race within social structure by, for instance, justifying why some people have less wealth or make more money than others on the basis of race, or, by pointing out that racism is alive and well, and that it impacts people’s experiences in society.)

pleases read the reading's chapter 5 “No More Peck o’ Corn” : Slavery and Its Discontents“North of Slavery”; Was “Sambo” Real? (P115-127), and talks about how Black American still became the target of racism, and whites continued to maintain their hegemony status in society through the racial formation?

the thesis statement of the essay is : In 1860, with the end of the American revolution, southern states began to abolish Slavery, and more and more African America came to the south to find "freedom"

However, those African Americans did not get free in the north, they became the target of racism, and whites continued to maintain their hegemony status in society through the racial formation.

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Racial formation
Racial formation
Racial formation is a systematic tool in sociology, established by Michael Omi and Howard Winant. It is used to view race as a socially constructed personality. Content and significance of racial categories are determined by social, economic, and political forces. Racial project represent a form of common assumption about racial groups where by people evaluate significance of a particular race in the society. For example, justifying why some people have less wealth or make more money than others on the basis of race can be termed as racial project. In 1860, with the end of the American Revolution, southern states began to abolish Slavery, and more and more African America came to the north to find “freedom”However, those African Americans did not get free in the north, they became the target of racism, and whites continued to maintain their hegemony status in society through the racial formation.
African American were not free in the North. They were not supposed to do anything besides what was commanded to them by their masters. Black people in North were treated like sick people because white people thought that physical contact would spread the disease. Besides denial of right to do what they wanted black people were viewed as mentally deficient and criminals (Takaki, 115). White mean feared black people and filed to understand that black people came from different place and culture and their skin color was not a disease.
Black people were within bosom of the republic and never outside white society’s borders. After...
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