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Racial Formation Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Omi and Winant say that racial formations are the “sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed.” The meaning of this definition is not obvious, and for some, it might have taken the whole first half of the quarter to begin to understand this definition and the nuances of the concept. For this assignment, imagine that you’ve been asked to write a short definitional paper to help future DOC 1 students like yourself understand this complicated concept. What would you write to help a DOC 1 student who is about to start the quarter? What were some of the concrete examples of racial formations from the first half of the quarter that really helped you understand how it functions, why it is significant, and the consequences of racial formations in U.S. history?

While you must choose only one group, you can pull your examples and analysis from the range of assigned readings about that group. please Choose African Americans (Takaki chapters 3 and 5, Walker, Brown, and Truth).

Tips for Writing a Successful Paper 1. Though this is a short definitional paper, remember that you are still presenting a thesis. Your thesis should argue for your own succinct definition of racial formation as it functions in relation to the particular group’s history that you choose to write about

pleases use The history of African American as example to develop and connection the idea of Omi and Winant — racial formations

pleases only use readings I sent to you.

Reading include

1. RACIAL FORMATIONS by Michael Omi • Howard Winant


2. Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World by David Walker http://utc(dot)iath(dot)virginia(dot)edu/abolitn/abesdwa1t.html

3. A Declaration of Liberty by the Representatives of the Slave Population of the United States of America by John Brown http://www(dot)declarationproject(dot)org/?p=1709

4. “Ain’t I a Woman” Speech  and “Address to the First Annual Meeting of the American Equal Rights Association” by Sojourner Truth (https://bcc-cuny(dot)digication(dot)com/MWHreader/Truth_Speeches_1851_1867)

5. And also A Different Mirror by Ronald Takaki (PDF) chapters 3 and 5

Thank you so much!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Racial Formation and How it Affects People's Experiences
Racial Formation
The racial and social context influences how people’s experiences are closely linked to their races and meaning to the racial organizations, since historical process affected the categorization and transformation of races. Additionally, the construction of race, partly depends on the social and political context, where past struggles and the present explain perceptions on race. The black/white bipolar model or paradigm is the most common in the US, but race relations and the demographic shifts in the US show that the dynamics of non-white and black people are part of racial groups whose place in race discourse is largely ignored. Personal experiences and collective action of African Americans to slavery, segregation and the fight for civil rights highlights the quest for equality and freedom among blacks.
Takaki (62) pointed out that the class struggles were the first to inspire revolts in the US colony that even blacks joined trying to gain freedom, but identification with one’s race became more common when the enslaved blacks found it difficult to gain freedom. Even in England blackness was associated with evil and primitive aggression that when blacks were first enslaved in Virginia the English were made to be savage, yet the English merely reflected their primitive aggressive tendencies (Takaki 64). In the 17th century, there was multi-racial indentured servitude, black slavery became an integral part of the economy and blacks were kept in bondage far longer than any other group.
History has many narratives, but the most dominant narra...
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