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Putting Texts In Dialogue: Social Media & Its Detriments

Essay Instructions:

Paper 4: Putting Texts in Dialogue with Each Other

In this unit, we will continue our discussions of the idea of a “larger converastion.” For this paper, you will select a topic (see the list below) and find two texts on it. Then you will discuss the significance of the texts in relation to each other. Compare and contrast the two to demonstrate an arguable premise. You can compare/contrast to evaluate, to compare a definition, to analyze, to propose a third stance, and so on.

Note: your comparison/contrast must be direct. You need to discuss these articles together in every paragraph. Organize your paper by related subjects. Writing 5 sentences about one article and 5 about the other in the same paragraph is NOT comparison. You must discuss the two directly.

For example, quoting/citing and providing evidence from both articles, you might examine Emily Fontaine's “Where Did Our Clothes Come From?” in relation to Lucy Siegle's “Why It's Time to End Our Love Affair with Cheap Fashion.” The former argues that consumer culture needs to be more aware of the global impact on unfair working conditions, and the latter examines the issues of sustainability in clothing consumerism. Although Fontaine's visual set-up may present a good idea of the typical female wardrobe and where these articles of clothing come from, Siegle presents more concrete evidence of the impact of purchasing cheap clothing that is generally made abroad. This is not to say that Fontaine's argument is invalid. Rather, when put in conversation with each other, these articles reveal the two sides of consumerism: the personal life of the consumer as well as the larger impact each purchase has on the world.

I will be evaluating you based on your ability to generate meaningful conclusions from your comparison, to thoroughly analyze the texts, and to provide a cogent argument that situates the two texts in relation to each other and in relation to the larger conversation. As such, you must address the two texts together throughout your paper. Keep them in constant conversation with one another. Of the two sources, ONE can be audiovisual.

Some questions to get started:

What sort of ways do the two texts characterize the issue?

What is the relation of the authors to the communities they write about?

Do the articles agree and/or disagree?

Does one article outshine the other?

Do the articles combine to form a stronger claim?

Some useful topics:

Definitions of “community”

Digital communication and its benefits

Social media and its detriments

Pop or cyber-feminism

Sustainability and community

Music as cultural response

Definitions of art in digital spaces

Feel free to explore other topics

A strong paper will:

Directly compare the texts throughout the argument.

Explain the relation of the texts to each other.

Explain the relation of the texts to the larger conversation.

Have a clear thesis and clear method of comparison (analytical, evaluative, proposing a new stance, &c.).

Articulate the significance of the comparison.

Be free from grammatical and syntax errors.

Incorporate quotation and paraphrase in a meaningful way.

Organize and transition accordingly.

Cite correctly.

Final Notes about Paper 4:

A paper that is mostly or all summary will receive a failing grade.

A paper that does not compare the texts consistently in each paragraph but instead writes separate paragraphs or passages about each will result in a letter grade of C or lower, no exceptions. Note: transitioning (e.g. “however,” “on the other hand,” &c.) is not comparison.

You must provide a Works Cited and in-text citations for ALL sources you use. Failure to do so is akin to plagiarism. Paraphrase must be in your own words/syntax with citation.

Do not rely on other people's ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person's analysis as your own (e.g. from other listeners/viewers/scholars, from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.).

Please read the syllabus carefully and you can select the topic from the syllabus. And secondly, please find two texts which relate the topic you select. If the writer has any question, please text me any time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Course Instructor Date Putting Texts in Dialogue with Each Other: Social Media and Its Detriments Technological advancement has brought with it many changes as seen in the modern world. The most notable change is in communication, which has become much easier through social networking sites. Almost everyone can now access social media by using mobile devices, computers, desktops, tablets and other many devices. The increased use of social media has not been without consequences. This paper examines Abdulahi et al, “A study on the negative effects of social networking sites such as Facebook among Pacific University Scholars in Malaysia” in relation to Jacob Amedie’s “The impact of social media on society.” Through these articles, the harmful effects of social media are brought to light using the different ideas presented by the authors. Generally, both articles agree that social media causes more harm than good by looking at the effect on relationships, psychological and mental health, privacy and the development of addictive behavior. Even though each article uses its own approach in addressing the issues, combining them in a conversational way makes it easier to understand and accept the claims. In the article by Amedie, it is recognized that social media has the potential to cause problems both emotionally and psychologically due to fact that the friendships and connections formed online are only superficial. Abdulahi et al examine the health effects of using social media. While Amedie generalizes these problems as simply psychological, Abdulahi et al provide specific and detailed examples of some of the health problems that can occur due to social media use. Amedie’s article identifies depression and anxiety as the two psychological problems faced by individuals who invest much of their time interacting with superficial friends. When such friends fail to offer the much needed emotional support, most people end up in depression, which leads to anxiety. Amedie (pg. 136) on the other hand, notes that apart from the psychological issues social media users also are at risk of suffering from mental disorders such as the Pathological Internet Use (PIU). According to the article, PIU is a disorder that results from excessive internet use and has the potential to affect a person’s health in the same way drugs do. By giving specific details, Abdulahi’s article does not invalidate Amedie’s ideas. Rather, it expounds on the same and makes it possible to know of the other serious effects social media has on one’s mental state. The texts by Amedie and Abdulahi et al tend agree on the issue of social media use and addiction. Concerning this, Abdulahi et al looks at social media addiction as only a mental disorder that is likely to affect those who use the internet excessively. Still on the same issue, Amedie examines addiction in relation to how it affects normal relationships. According to the latter, as people concentrate more on building virtual friendships, less time is spent with real family and even one does not have time for themselves. This means developing interpersonal skills becomes a big problem since most of the time is spent on social media. As seen from the above case, both articles acknowledge that addiction is a problem that results from excessive internet use. While Abdulahi et al concentrated on it as a mental problem, Amedie addressed it from the perspective of it affecting real life relationships. By looking at this in a conversational way, the articles combine to form a stronger claim that social media addiction does not only affect the user but also jeopardizes other relationships. This fact confirms the idea that social media negatively both individuals and the society as a whole. Both texts agree that due to social media use, most people, especially youths tend to become antisocial in the real world, which only strains interpersonal relationships. The article by Abdulahi et al examines how social media negatively affects the academic performance of students especially those in higher levels of education. In relation to this, Amedie focuses his study on society as a whole. This is one area where the two texts differ. The former is specific in its approach whereby it associates poor performance amongst students being a result of excessive social media use. For those who use the social media for research and other academic purposes, chances are high that they benefit from media use (Abdulahi et al., 135). In Amedie’s case, social media use does not only affect the academic life of students, but the society too feels these negative effects. As seen before, the article pays attention to the effect on interpersonal skills. Considering that interpersonal skills are required to offer ...
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