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How Due Process Provides Justification For The Employer's Power

Essay Instructions:

1.Due Process (Chapter 6)

a)According to the text, what is due process in the workplace?

b)Explain how, according to defenders, due process provides justification for the employer's power over employees.

c)Explain the four counterarguments made against due process in the workplace.

d)Explain the three responses made to these counterarguments.

e)Are you for or against due process in the workplace? Provide at least three reasons in support of your position. At least two of your reasons must be ethical in nature.

2.Employee Health & Safety (Chapter 6)

a)Explain how workplace safety would be determined if using the acceptable risk model.

b)Explain the problems raised in the text about this approach to workplace safety.

c)Explain why the free market is not able to adequately regulate workplace safety.

3.Loyalty to One's Employer (Chapter 7)

Early each summer a large bank hires a dozen recent college graduates for credit analyst positions. As often happens in corporate hiring, these new employees go through several months of intense training. In the case with which I am familiar, the bank hired several finance and accounting professors from a distinguished university to teach specialized and advanced courses to these trainees. In effect, the bank pays these new employees a salary while they receive state-of-the-art training in finance and banking. When these employees completed this training, they became highly marketable in the local banking community. Several of these employees were soon offered jobs at competing banks at salaries well above what they were earning at the original bank. (163)

Would these employees be disloyal if they resigned to take a position at a competing bank?

a)First answer this question as if you are Ronald Duska. Use his views on employee loyalty as reasons in support of your (his) answer.

b)Now answer the question from your own perspective.

a.If you agree with Duska, provide reasons you find his view compelling.

b.If you disagree with Duska, provide reasons in support of your view.

Now consider this case:

A CEO who is in the midst of negotiating a major contract for her firm and is offered a more attractive position elsewhere. Assume the contract can secure the business's financial stability for many years and depends a great deal on both the negotiating skills of this CEO and her abilities and reputation as an effective manager. If she were to walk away now, there is a likelihood that the deal would fall through and the firm would be harmed considerably. (164-165)

a)Does she have a responsibility to remain loyal to the firm and pass up the alternative position? Explain and support your position.

4.Pricing Ethics (Chapter 8)

a)In most circumstances, how is a fair price determined?

b)What ethical values are at play in discussions of fair pricing?

c)Explain the three situations discussed in the text in which markets fail to achieve a fair price?

a.Provide an example of each.

b.Be sure to explain why each is considered ethically wrong.

d)Explain several ways in which consumers might benefit from paying more for a product that they might otherwise pay.

use the book to answer all these question and every small question need to answer. Every question write about 1 page.

note : you should type the number and letter of the alphabet before your answer

like : 1, a: your answer

b: your answer 

c: your answer.

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Answering the question
Question 1a. Due process in the workstation denotes the restraints instituted as protection mechanisms for employees against random managerial authority. The process protects employees against unceremoniously firing by their bosses without cause or using an unjustified reason. It achieves this by outlining procedures employers must follow to terminate the employment of employees by ensuring the process is not biased.
Question 1b. According to defenders, power is the authority given to an individual to impose their will on others when they can justify the cause. The due process provides for this by giving a business owner or manager the authority to institute their power over others if they can state the conditions that informed the cause of action. The conditions may include a list of offenses that when committed by employees can lead to termination or presence of safeguards that assess an employee’s performance and inform the sanction of a dismissal.
Question 1c.Four counterarguments exist against the due process in the workplace. The first argument claims that due process infringes on the rights of an individual to determine the conditions of their workplace. The second argument appeals for fairness to occur across the board, as since employees have the right to resign for whatever reason, without a say from the employer; the same consideration should extend to employers giving them the freedom to terminate employment contracts at will. The third argument asserts that due process unlawfully interferes with a property owner’s privileges to property rights. The fourth argument contends that fears of dismissal act favorably towards a business’s performance by motivating employees resulting in achievement of efficiency.
Question 1d. According to philosopher Patricia Werhane, it is fair to limit an employer’s freedom, as there is significant inequality between an employer and employee, whereby an employee suffers more harm when they lose their job, as opposed to when an employer loses an employee. Additionally, when employees resign unceremoniously, employers do not have trouble replacing them as employees do when looking for new employment. Moreover, she contends that property rights only extend to material possession of a business and not to employees, as they are not disposable resources. In the argument on efficiency, she observes that it is a functional argument that would not justify violating the rights of employees. Additionally, lack of productivity is an appropriate due process cause for termination.
Question 1e. I support due process in the workplace because, first, it gives employees the liberty to be treated with respect as independent human beings that can make decisions on their own and not as objects. Second, it facilitates the fair treatment of all persons by ensuring that due consideration applies to all decisions. Third, it provides that employers act in good faith when handling employees.
Question 2a. The acceptable risk model would determine the safety of a workplace by assessing if the odds of harm an individual can experience from one their job is equivalent or less than the odds of injury exposed to them when conducting daily activities, making it a tolerable level of risk.
Question 2b.Several problems arise due to the acceptable risk model. First, the risks an employee faces at their place of work are under the control of other people, who may gain from its presence. Second, an employee does not choose to experience risks present in their workplace as compared to daily risks present in their lives. Third, this model makes assumptions that risks existent in an individual’s place of work are comparable to other types of threats. Fourth, the model treats health a...
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