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Process Analysis: Creating a Yearly Reading Plan

Essay Instructions:

Process Analysis/Explain a Concept

Paper Length: 3-4 double spaced pages

For this paper you must select one of the following options:

1. Explain how to do something.

2. Explain a concept.

Process Analysis Writing achieves the following objectives:

1. It tells readers what process the writer wants them to know about and makes a point about it.

2. It presents the essential steps in the process.

3. It explains the steps in detail.

4. It presents the steps in a logical order.

In this assignment, you will choose a process to analyze and to describe to your audience. Remember that you need to describe the process in a step by step fashion. Feel free to describe any process you wish, exciting or mundane, serious or humorous. I would like for you to avoid cooking-related processes (recipes and such). It’s difficult to go from a step by step recipe card into an actual research paper. Inevitably, you will struggle to write the minimum number of pages.

In the past students have written about how to prepare for war, how to play baseball, how to paint a room, how to coach a basketball game, how to carve a pumpkin, how to refinish a piece of wood furniture, how to perform a pre-flight inspection for a helicopter, how to shoe a horse, how to plant a garden and so forth. Choose something that you know a lot about and that you can easily explain. Remember to break down the steps and then to break down each step into its component steps.

This paper has the most everyday, real world value to it. Inevitably we are all teachers in some capacity. Reflect on other areas of your life. Have you ever explained to someone at work how to do something? Have you explained to your friends, or children or relatives how to execute a particular task?

Your second option is to explain a particular concept or idea.

Be creative in your topics. However, make sure your format/paper structure is correct.

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Creating a Yearly Reading Plan
Many people have a desire to read books every year. However, they fall short and stand on the sidelines as their friends and mentors continue amassing knowledge and wowing them with the latest quote. What many people do not know is that they, too, can become ardent readers by following a few steps that will help them create a solid reading plan. It is crucial to note that these steps will only work if someone actualizes them. So, below are the steps of creating a working yearly reading plan.
Step 1 - Set realistic reading goals
The first thing that people need to do is to set realistic reading goals. Well, you know you do not have a great reading culture, and the only thing you can read is your social media news feed. So, set realistic reading goals. Do not indicate that you will read 48 books by the end of the year, and you are only trying to build a reading culture. Be realistic, and factor in a few things that you know take most of your time. For example, you have to factor in holidays, busy work season or period of the year, and events that happen to disrupt your normal flow of life.
Have you ever set a goal that you did not achieve? Well, we have all been there, and it sucks or kills one’s energy to push towards one’s desired goal. So, you need to understand yourself and where you are. Forty-eight books by the end of the year can be a little too much. However, 12 books, which translates to a book every month, is a great place to start. Consider all factors around you, and create a plan that you believe is achievable.
Step 2 – Break the list into Genres
Like the first step, this step needs one to know and understand themselves better. When people set out to read every month, they often do not factor in the genres they wish to read. However, knowing the genres of books in your reading plan is crucial to helping you plan how you will successfully attain or achieve your reading goal. If your favorite genre is history, for example, you can have many history books on your ...
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