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Problems transgender people face and solution to that.

Essay Instructions:

I am attaching the file in the attachments, from which I need to have in-text quotations in my essay and but just from the Ivan Coyote's part which is "The Facilities". and i need to have one primary source and one secondary source. Please include "In the article The facilities by Ivan Coyote, I will argue.... " statement as a thesis statement. Please write it on the article. Do not forget to include one primary and one secondary source. and a short biliography for the sources. please. you can change the topic to an argumentative topic by yourself, but it should be related to the document i attached and just "The Facilities" part.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Transgender and Restrooms Challenges
In a world where the queers are looked down upon, it is not enough that one does not fit into the systemized ways of classifying girls and boys. For a transgender person it is an uphill task and it starts when realizes that, they do not feel comfortable in the gender that they were assigned at birth and this means the public systems do not largely reflect an accommodating environment either (Bazelon). This is a two tier battle to be accepted by people that almost always feel entitled to their gender classification and who believe that their rights are more important than those of the transgender.
Growing up as a transgender is one of the most difficult experience given the fact that, one has to always be considerate of the fact that, they are assigned a gender that every other person around them expects to uphold. Until one feels the insatiable need to break free from the fixed gender (Bazelon). However it starts at the personal level where one has to first accept themselves and understand that they are normal no matter what the world around them feels or shows. This is first stage before facing the world. It also makes the struggle with the challenges much more bearable, because the world can be a brutal place (Bazelon).
The highlight of being a transgender comes with using the public facilities and in this case the restrooms. They are marked for ladies and gents along with those meant for the disabled. However, there is rarely one that is marked for the transgender. Going to either of the facilities is challenge as none is accommodating. As Ivan Coyote states in the essay, this is a situation that is indiscriminate when it comes to age. From a young age as young as four as Ivan indicates, children are ridiculed, insulted and even physically assaulted, for being in the restrooms. In the girls’ room, they are not welco...
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