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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:



Essay on Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen

Has to be exactly 1500 words, no fewer and not many more

The topic of the Essay:

The very first sentence of the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, though it seems to focus on men, raises the question: what about the women in the novel, the prospective wives of these men “in want of a wife”? If such a single man “must be in want of a wife,” what is a single woman in want of, when it comes to marriage? In light of this first sentence of Pride and Prejudice, discuss the situation, attitude, and actions of the following four women in the book, with regard to courtship and marriage: Elizabeth Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, Jane Bennet, and Lydia Bennet. Remember to talk about each of the four women in four different paragraphs, meaning one paragraph per woman. Consider the two meanings of the word “want,” the thinking of the women about marriage, and their situation with respect to social position and “fortune.” Concentrate on the most interesting cases, while considering secondary characters as they shed light on the main cases. In looking briefly at secondary characters, you might consider those men and women who are not engaged or married at novel’s end.

Notice, then, the explicit mention of a “good fortune.” What about a man without a good fortune? Does the possession of a good fortune matter in the case of the women? And a further consideration: although the main focus of the novel would seem to be on courtship leading to marriage, you might briefly consider a couple of cases where a couple has already been married, briefly or for a longer time: Charlotte and Collins (the only couple we see in both courtship and marriage), the elder Lucas’s, the Bennet’s, the Gardiners.


Make sure that your essay has a clear thesis and a title that indicates the focus of your discussion.


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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of the romance novels written with superb characters. It presents the topic on courtship and marriages. The novel opens up with Bennet's family and the five daughters married to the modest families. The novel opens up with this couple. Many events reflect on pride and prejudice due to differences in the way the characters act and introduce themselves. It is evident through the opening sentence in chapter one where the author states that "it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortunes must be in want of a wife." (1) The plot surrounds the lives of a young gentleman named Charles Bingley who causes a major stir in the neighborhood households, especially in Bennets family. Darcy, Wickman and other characters play a major role in presenting the impact of pride and prejudice in courtship and relationships.
Women are presented with different characters. For instance, Jane is a simple, innocent and does not engage in negative conversation. Being one of Mr. Benneth, daughter, she is described as one of the most beautiful women that attract Charles Bingley. Collins also plans to marry one of Bennets sisters. However, Jane is an interesting character who wants to have a good life and meet the needs of her children. She had a gentle disposition and an excellent impression on Mr. Bingley. They are attracted to each other in different ways. For example, Jane's tenderness and beautiful appearance attract Bingley.
On the other hand, Jane is drawn to his gentle character and expects that this would lead to a perfect marriage. She wants to have an ideal relationship and this his fulfilled through Bingley's financial stability and kindness. However, Mr. Bingley's sisters did not like Jane and these rates, and this reflects Austen's prejudice theme.
Elizabeth shows up to Bingley in a dark dress thus being described as a low class since the man is a rich and attractive man and his sister had a role of protecting him from marrying a little class man (Austen, 13). Elizabeth wants a marriage with love. Her courtship with Darcy is faced with minor challenges which are cleared along the way. Darcy's social differences with other characters are well described. Being concerned about her children, Mrs. Bennet also sees an opportunity of a husband to her daughters. Elizabeth, however, denies the opportunity. Instead, Darcy gets engaged to her friend Charlotte Lucas. The contact of Elizabeth and Darcy was less cordial, and this created an opportunity for other female characters to influence behaviors to suit the expectations of men. However, the social inferiority of Elizabeth family takes the relationship on hold.
On the contrary, Collins is convinced that his chance of happiness had been achieved and this provided an opportunity for him to pursue new fortunes to his wealth. However, he was not much accustomed to what love entails. Consequently, Collins expects a wife who would help him not to have a feeling of being single. The case was evident when he first presents his proposal to Elizabeth, which caused displeasure to her mother but Elizabeth rejected it.
Charlotte gets engaged to Mr. Collins, who is the best friend to Elizabeth. She explains that she is getting older and would wish to have to match with Collins for financial reasons. Based on this encounter, it is clear that Charlotte focuses on the want of having a financially stable person to match him for the marriage. From her opinions, a man is expected to offer financial support and stability in a family. Charlotte finally decides to marry Collins. She is satisfied with the simple fact that she is married. Women wanted a perfect marriage that aligns with goals in their life. She is interested in having comfort along with other, aspects of the social position and better status. For example, she once explained to Elizabeth that " I am not romantic, you know. I ask only for a comfortable home." (Austen, 44). What Charlotte asks is an easy matter. Therefore, the marriage with Charlotte had much influence and based on gaining a marital status and the ability to have somebody along with rather than being single. Charlotte further considers marriage as a matter of chance and thus takes the opportunity of having a better life
Lydia is one of the girls who follow exotic things. She likes handsome men, and interested in good stuff, her cravings reflect the kind of beauty and the good things she expects from others. She is described as "untamed, wild, n...
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