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Remixing Assignment Power Relations And Lincoln's Predictions

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Choose an original text (can be a blog, news story, short story or poem, etc) and remix it to create an alternative meaning to the text. More instructions attached

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December 6, 2017
Power Relations and Lincoln’s predictions
Throughout the years, the issue of racial inequality has been one of the most heavily debated topics in the world. In the United States, this issue has reached a point where cultural and racial conflicts has resulted from the misunderstanding of the two population. However, one of the most controversial ideas in terms of equality was built in the very foundation of the American nation. When it was created, the forefathers have fought for “equality”, for each and every citizen of the American nation. However, despite the fact that this issue has been enshrined in the very constitution of the American nation, it still leaves out the idea as to who were considered as “citizens” back then. In one of the most famous quotes said by Abraham Lincoln, he said that
“And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
Following from this, it could be seen that the main point of this statement is that the white race is inherently more superior than the black race, and thus should be given a position of control above them. However, while this tackles the issue of race, the author of this article also believe that this statement on Racial equality as posited by Lincoln also could be used in many different contexts, particularly when defining the existing relationships, not only in race, but also in gender, class, and other divisions of society. In line with this, the next sections of this article would be dedicated towards the analysis of the implications of Lincoln’s statement on the “power relations” that exist today in our society.
The Racial construction of Citizenship
While the conception of race relative to the idea of citizenship is provided as a rather direct meaning of Lincoln’s statement, the author of this article believes that there are still some points which could serve as an alternative explanation. For one, Lincoln’s statement could be viewed as a recurring ideology during those times with regards to the “monopoly of ideas”. The reason as to why this is an alternative idea that could be gleaned from his position is because while there exist racism and slavery during those times, Lincoln’s statement suggests that “everyone agrees that that the position of Superiority should be given to the White Race”. In other words, this shows that he thinks that the position of the White men are also supported by the Blacks and the slaves during those times. From this, the idea of citizenship, then arose positing that those who are considered citizens should and must ascribe to the ideals of the Whites during those times.<...
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