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The Power of Myth: Sacrifice and Bliss

Essay Instructions:

Essay response on The Power of Myth, Chapter 4: Sacrifice and Bliss

1.) Include the author and title of the book in your thesis paragraph.
2.) Include at least two or three direct quotes from the text in the body of your essay - and include your personal responses to each of the quotes. Use specific examples to support your points.

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The Power of Myth: Sacrifice and Bliss
In the book “The Power of Myth,” Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers effectively explain the importance of mythology in modern culture and facilitating the unification of people at various levels. Chapter 4 of the book focuses on the relationship between bliss and sacrifice. A close reading of the chapter reveals the disappearing connection between human beings and nature, the importance of sacred spaces, and conceptualizes the utility of sacrifice as detailed in various myths and religions. I feel that the chapter offers a unique perspective to every person keen to achieve great things in their lives. To this end, Chapter 4 emphasizes the need of every person to sacrifice his or her time and talents in pursuit of bliss as the worthwhile nature of such a pursuit is emphasized in myths from different cultures and various religions.
Notably, the chapter highlights the importance of connecting with nature in one’s search for bliss. To this end, Campbell contends that the movement of humankind to urban areas has severed their connection to nature. “But we live now in a city. It’s all stone and rock, manufactured by human hands. It’s a different world to live up in when you’re out in the forest with the little chipmunks and the great owls. All these things are around you as presences, representing forces and magical possibilities of life that are not yours and yet are all part of life, and that opens it up to you. Then you find it echoing in yourself, because you are nature” (Campbell and Moyers 230). I find this quote interesting as it highlights the importance of belonging to something larger than I am. Though I am not an active seeker of nature, I always feel as if I lack something in my urban settings. The possibility that I might find it in nature is something that I intend to explore. In the discussion, Moyers acknowledge that he felt a connection with nature when he visited Kenya. In all, the importance of maintaining the connection with nature should not be overlooked.
To achieve bliss, the chapter notes that every person requires a sacred room where he or she can disconnect from the world. Such a sacred room should sever one’s ties with what is happening around them to facilitate creative incubation. I find the idea informative and intend to search for my sacred place where I can effectively cut my ties to the world. Just like every person of my age, I find it hard to be on my own. The proliferation of social media and gadgets that keeps us connected with each other means that I am always aware of what’s happening around me. One is always aware of the events around them, making it hard to achieve introspection. My only concern is that staying in a sacred place may make me feel isolated from the world without any tangible benefits. However, Campbell notes that “At first you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen (Campbell, 231).” Based on the quote, Campbell advises that one should not worry about the likelihood of a sacred place is a waste of time. With time, one is likely to start experiencing the creative benefits of the sacred space. Combining the need to find a creative space and the need to remain connected with nature, I would consider the use of natural spaces as potential spaces where one can be able to achieve creative incubation.
The need to isolate oneself from the world using sacred spaces is explained with the consideration that duality was emphasized i...
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