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Poverty Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please write this essay not in a formal way, please use your voice as if you are giving your opinion and then support it with a resource. please include primary and secondary resources. You can use "I", because my professor is interested in hearing our opinions. please see the attached files as well to follow the project instructions, and please obey the rules of the project. Do not forget to create an annotated bibliography that consists of 9 resources. please consider the paper i have attached please continue my work and modify it, or take from my ideas.

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Through this life, we are aware that poverty is one of the critical problems that most parts of the world are encountering and governments still have not found the right formula to solve it. Poverty is general scarcity, or the state where people lack a certain amount of material possessions or money to sustain their needs. Classification of poverty is into two categories, absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to the denial or lack of basic human needs required for survival. Basic needs as required by human beings commonly include food, shelter and clothing. Relative poverty is an economic inequality in the location or society in which people live. So far, ruling governments are taxing its citizens in order to improve other people’s lives and distribute wealth to the vast community equitably. On the contrary, the floating question that remains unanswered is if taxing incomes and commodities helpful enough to overcome poverty. This paper discusses my opinion about major causes of poverty. I will further talk about how people should take the problem of poverty into consideration and think of the dominant issues that poverty is causing such as spreading sickness due to lack of health care. Lack of proper healthcare is a threat to our health and safety. This paper will also discuss the root causes of poverty.
When I brainstorm on this social phenomenon, the primary cause that pops on my mind is laziness and lack of hard work. I understand that situations could vary from one case to another. Even so, every poor person was in a good health condition where he had the capability to work and explore job opportunities (Fishers, Maginnis, Jackson, Barrow and Jeanrenaud 9). The controversy is that maybe the person who is experiencing poverty did not have a physical health to be capable of finding a job.
Poverty has various causes. Eradicating the most obscured underlying causes remains a challenge for both developed and developing nations (Benerjee and Duflo 216). Consequently, various measures necessitate implementation to get rid of the various causes of poverty. The several origins of poverty comprise of changing developments in the country’s economy, lack of education and high divorce rate that causes feminization of poverty (Benerjee and Duflo 126). Other causes of poverty include practicing a culture of poverty, overpopulation, pandemic diseases such as AIDS and environmental setbacks such as lack of rainfall (Benerjee and Duflo 126). War crimes between nations also contribute to poverty within the countries at war (Benerjee and Duflo 103). During war, the economic state of the countries engaged in war deteriorates, including the value of their currency (Lusted 38). A weak currency value hinders trade between countries, which further weaken economic structures. Another factor that contributes to poverty is lack of education (Lusted 42). Ignorance between citizens of a particular state obstructs them from securing employment opportunities within and beyond the country.
Lack of basic education also hinders citizens to be skilled in the technical field (Mitchell and Ashley 27). Consequently, citizens cannot also secure technical employment opportunities that may assist them have a source of income to sustain their needs (Mitchell and Ashley 27). Arguably, citizens cannot come up with business ideas due to ignorance. Forming business organizations assists the country since they serve as a source of returns for the entrepreneurs and contribute to the government’s returns (Bass 197). I believe that the stated root causes are the most important to consider to assist in elevating poverty. Having a nation with educated citizens contributes to them having great ideas of coming up with sources of income. Even so, creating various sources of income assists the citizens to be self-dependant and further boost the economy (Bass 197). Government institutions should implement various changes to elevate poverty (Lundahl 57). The government of various countries should also consider increasing the supply of basic needs as a way of eradicating poverty (Lundahl 57). Making food and other commodities available should be of necessity to consider curbing the predicament. Agricultural expertise for instance farm fertilizers, insect repellents, new seed varieties and new irrigation techniques have dramatically diminished food shortages in modern times by boosting yields past previous control.
Some communities consider poverty as inevitable as economies produced little from its yields (Tekere 185). Consequently, improving road and transportation infrastructure also assists to elevate poverty. Improved infrastructure such as road transport assists in transporting commodities from one place to another (T...
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