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Pollution cause and effect

Essay Instructions:
this essay is a cause and effect paper. the effect is pollution and it has to have more then 2 causes. (health, globalwarmming, plants, ect.) you can have more then 3 sources.
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Causes and effects of pollution
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes change in aptitude in the environment biodiversity which can occur either through natural pollutants, foreign chemical substance or undesirable energies which can take the effect form in a linear manner whereby damage increases proportionally with pollution increase or in a threshold effect whereby damage can be repaired or normalized before a certain threshold of pollution concentration is achieved.
Industrial revolution is major factor brought about the alarming conditions of environmental pollution as known in present day. The extremes helped increase consciousness in the concerned institutions to address the issue of pollution as a major disastrous cause of fatal and destructive factor to the human living and the ecosystem as a whole in interrelation interaction (Batty, 77).
The different types of pollution are; Air, Land and water. These types have different forms of pollution in certain levels, for example air pollution has light pollution which includes light interference and over illumination and astronomical interference; noise pollution which encompasses light intensity noise from industries and roadway; visual pollution which include overhead power lines, billboards and some scared landforms.
Moreover, land pollution such as littering of untreated human wastes, inappropriate human made objects among others and soil pollution while water pollution has forms as thermal pollution regarding use of water as a coolant in power plant; radioactive contamination due to manufacture and deployment of fatal nuclear emitted to the environment.
The major causes of pollution can be categorized according to the different types of pollution outlining and explaining it in details.
Air pollution
Air pollution is brought about by emission of greenhouse which brings about global warming. The causes includes carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust gases after using fossil fuels, methane gas produced by decaying organic matter, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigerators and spray cans. This emission to the air brings about its contamination and brings about depletion of ozone layer, filling the air with imbalanced global radiations which are fatal and brings about great effect.
Another cause is combustion, construction, mining activities brings about the production of pollutants to the air of non-biodegradable fumes which pollute the balance of the air available.
Agriculture activities which comes from basic practices which includes clear felling, burning of natural vegetation as well as spraying of insecticides and pesticides which are chemicals made from highly toxic and poisonous chemical elements and if volatile to the air can alter its composition and thus air pollution.
The uncompromised heavy noises from industries which are main sources of production of finished product, the roadway motor vehicles noises also brings about air pollution having also considerable effect to the environment.
More of, the land fills in the open place like rugged mine lands which are not safely disposed, can produce some harmful air pollutants due to the anaerobic or insufficient oxygen decomposition thus this gases when reacted with the atmosphere oxygen can be fatal by being explosive in nature or withdrawing oxygen to form oxygen containing compounds which cannot be destroyed and thus reducing changing the amount of air oxygen present for the animal and plant consumption thus imbalance from the normal situation. Thus the cause is proportionally fatal in effects when consideration to the issue is looked at closely.
Burning of fossil fuels contains toxic oxides being emitted to the air which can cause the accumulation in the atmosphere layers and being able to retain the radiations of the sun and earth causing the pollution of the air in the right air content balance and amount of heat.
Causes of land pollution
Considerable causes of the land pollution are contributed by the human activities as the major contributor to the line of other subsequent causes that add up to the contamination of the soil and the land environment. They include; littering of non biodegradable waste materials that are used in everyday life like glass, lead containers, polythene papers, electronic cables and equipments to the land, this cover a large area of land because of population increase and thus fill the soil without decomposition and thus risky measure and loss of productive piece of land.
Industrial dumping of waste materials like the chemicals also pollutes land through affiliation of these chemicals and paints to the soil and thus charging its composition and fertility. Moreover, this also consists the waste matter of agricultural usage of pesticides and other toxic chemicals also pollute the environment by salination of soil.
Improper treatment of sewage which are let to flow open land leads to accumulation of biomass sludge to the land thus impairing its usefulness and destruction of its composition. As a cause it`s brought about by lack of proper policies and measures being taken for the control and disposal of water (Allen, 124).
Population pressure in industrial and urban centers also is a cause of land pollution by the destruction of the natural resources and environment for the habitations of people housing and development of industries and roads or infrastruct...
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