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Coursework The Rationality of Magick Name Course number Instructor’s name Date An individual who desires to acqunit himself or herself with philosophy must be versed with both natural, theological and mathematical philosophy. Rational magick is an excellent philosophy as it incorporates the three elements of the excellent philosophy: Natural, theological and mathematical. Understanding of rational magick enables one to contemplate the true aspect of nature, most secret things, quality, power, virtues and substances which other disciplines are not able to comprehend (Agrippa, n.d). Natural philosophy is concerned about the natural things in the world, and an inquiry into their effects, causes, times, events, fashions, events, their parts and whole and so on. It should be noted here that natural philosophy is the forerunner of most natural sciences including physical sciences. The essence in studying natural philosophy is exploration of the universe and understanding it fully. Natural philosophy is not only important for philosophers but all humanity living on earth. This is because it is common for most people to base their lives around ideals that explain the nature and reality of their environment and their experiences. Natural philosophy will assist such an individual to discover the quality of things which are extant in the properties of beings or objects. The essence of natural philosophy can be depicted in the works of Mesmer in animal magnetism. In this concept, animal magnetism is indicated as global phenomena, further indicating the equality of humankind despite the difference of social conventions. However, the discovery of this universal fluid has leveraged the social distinction existent in humankind today. The philosophy by Mesmer reiterated that the individual influence of the fluid had also reinforced its influence on other people. As Bally, noted, animal magnetism could at times be a threat to individuals if not controlled. Animal magnetism can be explained through the existence of a global fluid whereby its effects were felt by the body. Further, such effects acted as a cure for many ailments, especially those associated with the body’s nervous systems, complimenting many medicinal therapies in a long-term basis. In essence, the philosophy of animal magnetism has offered a global means of protections and cure for many diseases afflicting humanity (Chertork, Strengers, n.d). Although the philosophy of animal magnetism failed to receive scientific recognition, it continues to be used as an alternative medicine in some countries. The principal of animal magnetism connects both man and the universe at different levels, cosmological, human and psychological. It can rightfully be construed that animal magnetism is something where all beings are interconnected with the universe. It should be noted that Mesmer called this matter a universal fluid to describe this phenomena because he could not find another word for the same. It is the basis of the cosmos and a sort of energy for life. The modern natural philosophy has come to embrace the general principal of the fluid subject, that occupies the entire space. Since all beings in the world exhibit pores, the fluid is capable of introducing itself by way of interstices. Additionally, it possible for the fluid to go backwards and forward through the body currents, typical of a magnet and which come to be referred as animal magnetism. The constituents of this fluid include spirit, air, fire and other fluids at equilibrium level. This makes it easy to conceive the efforts of the body in generating its own electricity. According to the author of this theory, illnesses is as a result of body blockages with regard to the natural flow of fluids in the human body. Hence, use of various techniques by practitioners could help re...
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