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Phenomenal Philosophers Of All Time

Essay Instructions:

In a 3 page paper (12 point font, 1 inch margins, 1 1/2 line spacing), apply Aristotle's The Poetics to Oedipus the King by Sophocles. Be sure to discuss the six elements which Aristotle talks about as well as Aristotle's definition of tragedy. Be sure to use specific details (such as quotes) from the play to support your statements. Do not simply state that something is without fully defending the position.

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Chapter 2 - Greek Theatre (Wilson and Goldfarb)

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Aristotle is one of the most memorable and phenomenal philosophers of all time. His ideas, thoughts, and words have had left a great impression on millions of people. He is preached for his scientific and historical findings; most importantly, Aristotle is praised for his contributions to the field of art (theater and dance). According to him, the tragedy is a sophisticated process of intimating actions which can leave serious impacts on a person, group or the entire state. He asserted that the tragedy could be divided into six elements: plot, thought, character, song, diction, and spectacle (Nuttall 3).
The Plot, according to Aristotle, is the most significant constituent of a tragedy, which can be described as the arrangement of an incident (Wilson & Goldfarb 13). It was subdivided by the philosopher into five acts, each of which had its own scenes. Characters are described as males and females who act according to the instructions given to them. The hero and the heroine are the two primary characters that the audience pays utmost attention too. Diction is described as the medium of expression or language through which all the characters share their ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Embellishing diction with different artistic elements is essential. The Song, on the other hand, is a significant embellishment that is meant to engage a large number of people. The Spectacle has been defined as the theatrical effects presented on the stage, and the Decoration of the stage is one of its core components.
Is work a tragedy? Aristotle clarifies that it should arouse fear and pity, and if it does not, then the work cannot be considered a tragedy. Some interpreters believe that he is trying to associate fear and pity with that of passion, but I am not one of those constructionists. Aristotle has used another word to describe what passion is (toiouta). He feels that pity and fear are strictly associated with tragedy, but passion may or may not be associated with that (Nuttall 21). In fact, at work, a person may have a lot of feelings, some of them are good ones while the others are bad ones: fear, pity, and passion to do something are among the most dominating feelings. It should also be noticed that most of those feelings have nothing to do with the tragedy, such as the feelings of love and joy. In various places, Aristotle has been found saying that a person must be educated regarding what tragedy is and what are its basic elements. Passion, joy, love, and sympathy are among the non-tragic elements, while fear, sadness and feelings of restlessness are among the tragic elements.
Throughout his life, Aristotle emphasized the effects of tragedy on nations. He believed that tragedy is the only way to purify the souls from the fear they arouse. However, the concept of tragedy has changed throughout the history, and all of these changes are based on the ideas Aristotle presented in Poetics. It acted as a starting point...
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