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Persuading Parents of the Positive Impacts of Computer Games

Essay Instructions:

Statement of Goals and Choices

This explanation of at least 1,000 words should explain to me exactly how this project works to persuade your audience. In this essay, detail the rhetorical situation and your rhetorical and technological choices.

Your statement should respond to the following questions:

1) Who is your audience and what is your rhetorical purpose with this project? What about your audience affected your choices (provide detailed information about your audience)? What does this project do for the audience? What are your goals with this project?

2) You will make a lot of choices as you create this project. What specific choices did you make in service of accomplishing these goals? Include both intentional choices and choices that you made that you only realized were choices after the fact. Include a discussion of choices regarding genre, medium, technologies, materials used, methods (what models you looked at, how you researched and created this project), and rhetoric (organization of ideas, how you appealed to your audience, the inclusion or exclusion of material, and so forth).

3) Why did you pursue this plan and make these choices instead of other plans or choices? How did these choices help you accomplish your goals?

4) What risks did you take and why? How did those risks play out in terms of accomplishing your goals with this project?

5) How specifically would this project circulate or be delivered and reach your audience?

This statement is a formal essay: It should make clear claims about your process and product supported by explanation and evidence.

Minimum Expectations & Guidelines

In order to earn a C, your project should conform to these guidelines:

• Reach the length guidelines provided by your instructor

• Offer an argument that persuades a particular stakeholder to change their position on the issue

• Demonstrate a clear purpose and a sense of audience and their beliefs, values, and perspective

• Be effectively organized around a controlling idea, thesis, or purpose

• Incorporate research that is cited and referenced ethically and according to the conventions of the genre and medium that you’re using

• Be accompanied by a statement of goals and choices that

o Is at least 1,000 words in length, double-spaced, in a 11-12 pt. font

o Provides a detailed discussion of who your audience is and what your rhetorical goals are for the project

o Explains the choices you made regarding genre, medium, form, technology, research, content, organization of ideas, and appeals to your audience and why you made these choices

o Explains why you pursued this plan or these choices instead of other plans or choices

o Explains risks you took, why you took those risks, and how those risks helped (or harmed) you reaching your goals and purpose

o Explains how you imagine this project circulating and reaching your audience

o Uses clear language and is carefully edited

In order to earn an A or B, your project should conform to the following degrees of excellence:

• Sophistication of discussion. Does the project explore your issue in sophisticated and interesting ways? Does your statement of goals and choices show a sophisticated understanding and explanation of your goals and choices?

• Specificity and clarity. Does the project dive into specifics about the issue, rather than sit at the level of generality? Does the statement of goals and choices provide specific and clear claims about your goals and choices? Does the statement of goals and choices support these claims with clear and specific evidence (tha is, examples from your project)? Is the evidence discussed in ways that support claims (that is, they are analyzed and explained rather than expected to speak for themselves)?

• Organization. Is the project organized in a purposeful, sensible, and effective fashion that helps it cohere and reach its purpose? Is the statement of goals and choices organized in a sensible fashion that helps it cohere as an essay, with transitions between ideas and clear topic sentences?

• Style. Is the statement of goals and choices relatively free of surface errors? Do the project and statement of goals and choices show evidence of being crafted rather than simply drafted and submitted?

(Just explain the article in the attachment, how did you write it)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Statement of Goals and Choices
This project aims at addressing the parents to persuade them about the positive impacts that the computer games can bring to their children. For a long time, the parents have had a wrong notion and attitude about computer games. They have always looked at computer games as addictive to their children. Despite the positive effects that the computer games present to the development of a child, parents have only been considering the negative side of the computer games citing reasons that they are the primary cause of violence in today’s society.
The project aims at convincing and persuading the parents that computer games can have positive impacts on their children’s lives. After successful completion of the project, parents are going to appreciate the role of the computer games to the mental development of their children. This understanding will enable the parents to subscribe to the idea that children need to be exposed to computer games at a young age so that they can become all rounded individuals in the future.
For the completion of this project, there were many choices which were made. Some of the choices included choosing the right channel of communication and message delivery. In addition to the weight of the message, the manner through which the message is conveyed has a significant impact relating to the way the audience receives the message. Therefore, presenting this message to the parents as a speech was found to be effective because the parent will be able to get every detail of the first-hand information. Choice of the audience was also an essential aspect of this project since the message had to be delivered to the right audience to achieve its goals. In selecting the audience, it was found that the parents were better matched to this message since they have an immediate influence on the lives of their children. Another choice that was considered in the project was the source of reliable information. There were many sources of information that could be considered regarding the positive impacts of computer games on children. The peer-reviewed journals were used as the sources of information since they give credible information concerning the project.
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