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Personal Failure Narrative

Essay Instructions:

WPI: Failure Prompt

You will write a personal failure narrative. Consider a personal past failure. Sit in the memory and recall some of the details listed below:

What was it and why does this particular failure stand out for you?

What was the emotion in the moment of the failure? Does the emotion linger? Or has it been resolved?

Was it positive or negative? Why?

What did you say to yourself when you realized you failed?

Does this failure resemble past failures or is it isolated? Is the failure isolated or connected?

Were you the only one affected or did it affect others?

Be honest! How do you approach challenge/s to date?

This essay should be thoughtful, descriptive and analytical. It should be NO LESS THAN 3 PAGES. Make sure to use an Interesting Title (no clichés please!)

Consider and organize your essay following the format below.

Introduction: clearly written hook + transition sentences+ thesis (name the failure +what about it+ why. For example, "Failing my science exam was devastating, but it taught to me to be more responsible" or "The end a 5 year relationship was heartbreaking, but I learned to be more resilient.")

B1-B2: Establishing a setting (who, where, when) by unleashing the day or series of events that lead up to the failure (rising action: what. "For example, It a sunny day in November 2015" or "It was 2015 and we had been bickering for months".)

B3-B4: Moment of failure (climax, For example, " I stared blankly at the huge red letter, F, scrawled across my paper" or "Suddenly, he snapped, "That's it. It's over!"

B5: After the failure has set in, describe how you processed it in the moment at the time (For example, "The tears welled up and beginning to slide down my face; I knew I would have to attend summer school."

B6: Wrapping up and ending the story. Identifying your stance on the failure to date (For example, "It was easy to see the way my actions contributed to my low test score and my ultimate failure of my biology exam."

B7: Your approach to tackling the possibility of failure in the future.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Failures are meant to strengthen us as a person, and it enables us to mold our skills, talents, and capabilities to become the better version of ourselves. This is a positive outlook in facing failures. However, sometimes, failures destroy us, and it eradicates our capacity to stand up again. Because of this, some people are left to rot in the position where they were left and were never able to move forward again. Between these two kinds of people, I would like to say that there was a moment in my life when I was the latter, but upon reaching the little ray of sunshine, I became the former.
I can still remember that day that changed my life forever. Before, I was this frail child who does not even seem to lift myself whenever someone pricks on me. There were a group of guys and girls who bullied me, and they do everything in their power to make me look useless or their mere follower, making themselves self-proclaimed celebrities in the school, and their fame shone as bright as a diamond. Of course, as a dorky, I have always followed their commands because I did not want to be bullied. I just liked being a wallflower. These are my weaknesses that I am not proud of.
Despite being the kind of person I am, I have always known about my strength, which is writing poems. Since I was a child, my teachers have told me that I have a talent, and despite looking fragile, they always tell me that I have a bright future ahead as long as I improve on my strengths and develop strategies to develop on my own weaknesses too. So I followed my teachers’ instructions, and I wrote poem after poem about everything that I observe and experience in life. It was my scapegoat for being such a loser. However, I feel like I hold the power to change what was destined for me to become with writing. The pen gives me might, and the command of my hand muscles allows me to stroke the correct letters until these become words and meaningful sentences. This, combined with my profound insight and expressive thoughts, molded me to become one of the best writers I could ever be among my peers.
All of these gave me a feeling of supremacy, and once I was able to train and compose myself, I have garnered enough confidence to join a poem writing competition in our town. Naturally, it came with a monetary prize, a title, and a scholarship. Nevertheless, who would not have been exhilarated by just hearing about those rewards, am I correct?
I joined and triumphed myself eve...
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