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Religion, Faith, and Life: Teachings by King, Ghandi, and Harris

Essay Instructions:

List 3 people whose lives and writings you encountered, why do they inspired or challenged you most in your understanding of religion, faith, critical reason and life? Why?

Please use additional sources if needed.

1, Martin Luther King, Jr.

2. M K Ghandi

3. Sam Harris

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Religion, Faith, and Life
Different religions have different ways of expressing honor and respect to deities. Today, religions function as universal institutions that unite humanities on matters of social life, spiritual life, and providing a moral direction on how to live and interact with others. Different religious leaders have played various roles in shaping the moral foundation of a given community. After reading two of Luther’s works and his speech titled “I have a Dream,” I think that his work has transformed my understanding of the role of religion in the community. Harri Sam's "Letter to a Christian Nation" and Gandhi's book, My Religion, have also increased my understanding of faith and religion. This paper is a reflection of what I learned from the readings and how they challenged my previous knowledge of religion, belief, and contemporary issues in society.
In Gandhi’s My Religion, he preaches a message of not converting others to Hinduism but to leave to the best teachings of their religion (69). Every religion has a story that teaches how to live with others in a mixed society. Most religions preach love, peace, and harmony as a method of preaching coexistence. Christianity emphasizes that loving one’s neighbor is one way of showing Godly love. Initially, I thought that Christianity is superior to other religions. Gandhi’s teaching that every person should strive to live per the moral teaching of his religion has challenged my previous knowledge of religion. I now believe that showing godly love should not be a matter of competition. It should, however, be a method of seeking justice for the oppressed, uplifting the needy, and pursuing peace for those in war.
I was shocked by Harris' criticism of Christianity and Muslim faiths. I believe that despite the accusations that Harris lushes on religion, I believe that faith has played a significant role in shaping our society. According to Harris, the Catholic Church practices cannibalism by eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood (3). Harris is strongly objected to this kind of religion that justifies torture and murder of Jesus to bring peace to humanity. I think that Harris fails to acknowledge the differences that exist among different religions. One thing that kept me glued to Harris’ text is how he was ready to back his claims with both religious references and scientific facts. His main failure is, however, to ignore the fact that faith is spiritual while science is practical. Trying to compare the two and seeking to justify their coexistence raises a debate that c...
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