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How Particular Situations Effect Behavior Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Ross and Nisbett suggest that the "situational variable," rather than a person's individual conscience, may be the key predictor in how the person will behave in a given scenario. In a well-developed explanatory synthesis, discuss the power of situations, as distinct from individual conscience, to influence a person's behavior. Draw upon at least three of the assigned readings in this chapter for examples.

Head your paper appropriately. You will need at least 3 citations and a Works Cited page. Length should be approximately 500 words.

Citations -

"People's inflated belief in the importance of personality traits and dispositions, together with their failure to recognize the importance of situational factors in affecting behavior, has been termed the 'fundamental attribution error.' " - Ross, 1977 - Ross, L. (1977). The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings. In L.Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 10). New York - Academic

Milgram Experiment - Orne & Holland (1968) accused Milgram's study of lacking "experimental realism," i.e. participants might not hve believed the experimental set-up they found themselves in and knew the learner wasn't really receiving electric shocks. - Orne, M.T. & Holland, C.H. (1968). On the ecological validity of laboratory deceptions. International Journal of Psychiatry, 6(4), 282-293

Milgram - "Could it be that Eichmann and his accomplices in the Holocaust were jus following orders? Could we call them accomplices?" (Milgram, 1974) - Milgram, S. (1974), Obedience to Authority: An experimental view. HarperCollins

instructions - Your essay should not be less than 500 words. You will not be able to double space, except to manually double space between paragraphs. Space 5 times to indent paragraphs. Use at least 3 citations and a Works Cited page. Head your document appropriately.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of Situation on Behavior
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Understanding the effects of situations in a person's behavior is crucial to everyone's day-to-day interaction. It allows him to better understand and empathize with another person's 'unusual behavior' rather than merely attributing negative characteristics to them. In this article, the author would like to focus on how a situation could affect a person's behavior and how others perceive such a situation absent the knowledge of its underlying reasons. Notably, the author would like to focus on one of the daily tasks that every individual goes through – driving, military operations, and experiments. The author believes that being more 'open-minded' and 'understanding' of others' situations is key to better social interaction with one another.
Situational Variables
One of the daily tasks that all of us go through is driving. Since driving is merely routine yet vested with "public interest and safety," rules and regulations exist whether it be codified or not. For example, a driver is expected to drive below a prescribed speed and use the signals in changing course and direction. However, there would always be one or more drivers who would drive fast and not use any signals when turning or changing lanes.
Accordingly, driving is also one of the instances when the fundamental attribution error applies. Ross (1977) has defined this error as "people's inflated belief in the importance of personality traits and dispositions, together with their failure to recognize the importance of situational factors in affecting behavior." In line with the example at hand, it could be seen that even though driving fast and not using signals is considered as "reckless" and against...
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