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Participation : Lack A Musical & Art Facility In Secondary School

Essay Instructions:

Do not write about LGBT or anything related to it.
Min 820 Words
Please follow these guidelines.
Think of a feature at your secondary school. A public building, facility or a space that you would like to see changed or introduced. State what you think too is wrong or missing. What you would like to change/add and your reasons. Detailed suggestions for the improved or new feature and how to implement it.

-introduction paragraph that states the problem and it background briefly and the suggestions. A clear thesis statement of one sentence.

-3 body explaining the situation with examples and details presenting your main argument (one per paragraph)

- a conclusion that summarises your arguments.

Please make it simple and not too much complicated, thank you so much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Argumentative Essay Introduction State the problems, provide a brief background and the suggestions It is evident that not all students in high school are bright or are academically gifted. Some students do well in academics whereas others do well in co-curricular activities such as sports. Participation in something is often a great feat for some students and helps to boost their morale especially when they are competing against other schools. However, some schools value academics more than co-curricular activities, and hence this makes it hard for some students to find a niche or somewhere they can excel. To make things worse, some teachers punish or threaten students whenever they fail to pass or do well in their academics. This makes it somewhat difficult for a student to concentrate on their studies as well as any activity they could be gifted in. As the saying goes, ‘Work with no play makes Jack a dull boy,’ therefore, it is essential for students to have time for themselves or to exercise their gifts and talents. Students need to engage in activities which make them develop an interest in learning as well as get to enjoy their time in school. Arguments have risen over the past few years of why art or music education should be introduced in schools. This has been a controversial topic for many, and the debate is still ongoing. In our Secondary School, I find the fact that we lack a musical or art facility is appalling and hence my desire to see such a facility built. Body Explain the situation with examples and details presenting your main argument Lack of certain features such as art or music education in high school makes it hard for some students to focus on their studies. The truth is not all students are gifted in academics. Some students are good in music, sports, or other areas which are often not a major priority of the school. However, this does not mean that they would not like to become better men and women of the society. Setting them aside will not make them benefit as it would alienate or separate them from other students hence create a bridge between students who are good in academics and those who are good in co-curricular activities. These students need to be treated the same as other students and given the o...
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