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Parents Should Give Kids More Freedom Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

At this time Parents make too many decisions for their children, but such a practice makes them have no independent ability to think independently, so parents should give their children more space and learn how to be independent.
1. balanced approach 2. Prove your stance 3. Credible sources(5-7) 4. rebuttal counterarguments
5. Variety of sources 6. offer a new perspective 7. main idea of issue

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Parents Should Give Kids More Freedom
In today’s society, many evils are lurking, and each could have devastating effects on children. Parents are always worried about their children, and with issues such as mass shootings happening almost on a monthly basis as well as the prevalence of drug abuse among teenagers, one can only sympathize with the parents. However, to what extent should parents shield their children from the outside world or should kids be gifted more freedom than they already are? These questions are indeed difficult because the term freedom is not often clearly defined. Parents often find themselves in difficult situations where they are trying to protect their children from the world and its evils and also allowing their children enough time and space for them to also live their lives and to have their own experiences. Recently, there have been calls for parents to give their children more freedom and space. However, no one is willing to explain what the call for freedom constitutes and to what extent should this freedom be given. Parents are, therefore, left to decide for themselves and some believe that having more say in the lives of their children is healthy. Others, on the other hand, believe that giving their children more power and allowing them space to grow and make certain decisions is the way to go. Both sets of parents are convinced their way is better this essay seeks to prove that the latter is indeed a more rational way of raising children who are independent thinkers and responsible members of the society.
One of the reasons why parents want to limit the freedom they give their children is because they believe the children are immature. The truth is on most occasions, children make decisions based on their feelings and what they like or dislike. Parents believe that their children are not always in a position to make the best decision for themselves. Truth be told, parents are often always right because children often work with their feelings and on only a few, but rare occasions do they argue out a situation by looking at the pros and cons. However, according to Campbell (2016), “parenting requires we find the balance between loving our children, disciplining them and allowing them the necessary confusion and suffering essential for their self-discovery.” The above statement not only acknowledges that children are indeed immature but that being a child is but a stage and everyone must at one point in their life pass through it. Therefore, there should be enough room to make some mistakes, but parents should always be there to point them out.
It is the duty of parents to “set and share moral, ethical and legal boundaries” with their children (Harvu, 2013). Boundaries are indeed essential in a child’s life, and they help them learn how to co-exist with other people. Additionally, they also help them to comprehend the many formal and informal institutions in the society. For children, it never makes sense to respect other people or their property and most of the time, parents are often blamed for their children’s misdemeanor. Most of the time, it never makes sense when one hears calls for more freedom. Children need to be guided and to be groomed to become respectable members of the society. Parents must stay vigil and protect their children while making sure they absorb whichever doctrines they instill in them. However, there is always the problem of setting too restrictive boundaries. Whenever these are set, parents end up grooming contingent children or children who are extremely dependable, extensively poor decision makers as well as children who have little to zero ownership or control over their lives. Children need to make certain steps on their own. After imparting their doctrines and principles, parents should then trust that their teaching is impactful and gift their children space. Parents’ belief in their children is indeed directly proportional to the children’s belief in themselves. It is indeed essential that children see a genuine trust in their parents.
One other reason why parents believe children should not be given more freedom is because they do not understand concepts such as money management. Money management is indeed one of the most important lessons one should learn while growing up. However, the truth is, this lesson is not learnt like a subject, and it takes time to fully master it. It is indeed complex, and children cannot be said to be mentally and intellectually equipped even to comprehend its essence. The call for more freedom for children is indeed justified, but it is also essential to consider the fact that children may not be mature enough to handle certain pieces of information. However, as already stated, how much the children learn and what information they choose to internalize is all dependent on how much confidence their parents have in them.
On the other hand, all the factors above purporting to support parents can be detrimental to the holis...
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