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The Best Way to Love: Socrates and Plato. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Part III – Essay Question /40

Select one and only one of the following options as a topic for a short essay. Your answer should be no more than 500 words.

Now is your opportunity to express your own ideas. Be sure to engage with PLATO, when you provide your evidence and arguments.

You might want to take some time to write yourself a small outline before writing the essay itself.. Remember to plan a thesis, text interpretation, arguments / evidence, an objection, and a reply.


• What is the best way to love?

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The Best Way to Love: Socrates and Plato
Love has always been an exceptional topic for every human being. We have always admired how powerful love is in every aspect. Of course, the very first idea that comes to mind when we talk of love is the romantic connection between people. Whenever we find a chance to talk about love, we would always find ourselves thinking of or looking for someone with whom we passionately connect. Though, if we widened our perspective, love is more than romanticism and partnering with a significant someone. Love is between children and parents, friends, humans and animals, humans and nature, and all kinds of relationships there are on earth.
Socrates' idea of love, to be general about it, is to ascend from something in an attempt to reach what we admire (Reeve). Love would cause me to lift myself towards a better level or stage of my being. Socrates' concept of love seems plausible in the sense that love encourages improvement and growth of the self. Because we are loving, our instinct is to reach a certain point that will allow us to be qualified for the admiration of the other person or anything we admire. This idea may be one of the best ideas to love because it prioritizes the self before presenting it to others. Loving in your best emotional and spiritual state is probably one of the best love you can offer someone or something. It suggests that the love you carry is genuine enough to make yourself presentable in many ways.
Other than Socrates' idea of love, Plato's type of love is one of the best ways to love yourself and other...
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