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Theme of Jealousy In The Tragic Demise of the Characters In Othello

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discuss the theme of jealousy in the tragic demise of the characters in othello

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Othello Essay
Othello is a good example of literary work which brings out the theme of jealousy in the best way possible. The play illustrates how jealousy can be used to ruin other people's lives. The hero becomes jealous when Iago convinces him that his wife has been unfaithful. He, later on, kills his wife and kills himself. Jealous cause the death of the hero and his wife. Iago was jealous for the hero's wife at first which caused hatred. He uses jealousy to finish the two. In the play, jealousy is portrayed in different forms such as sexual suspicion, professional competition but after all, it ends up destroying people's lives. Jealousy can mess with someone's head forcing him or her to do things that he could not imagine. Jealousy interferes with people's normal decision making forcing them to decide to do wrong and evil things to other people.
Iago makes Othello believe that his wife has been cheating on her with Cassio when they find Cassio with handkerchief belonging to Desdemona, Othello's wife. Iago uses this as an evidence to prove to Othello about the unfaithfulness of his wife. Iago is driven by the power of jealousy. Othello is again filled with jealousy that Cassio has snatched his wife and he ends up accusing his wife of adultery. There is no enough prove that Desdemona is cheating but because of the jealousy that has filled, Othello he chooses to beli...
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