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The Odyssey's Correlation and Parallels in Real-Life Situations

Essay Instructions:

This work is divided into two parts:

Reading: The Odyssey by Homer

First Part: (200 words)

In the book of The Odyssey, write 200 words that explore the parallels you find between the plot of Books 5-8 and that of Books 1-4. Now that you have read part of the story that focuses on Odysseus (Books 5-8), what is your judgment about Homer's choice to begin with the Telemachy (Books 1-4)? Be clear about the criteria that you have used in making your evaluation.

Second Part: (350 words)

Prompt: As an aid to interpretation, we are examining the world behind the text, the world within the text, and the world in front of the text. This topic asks you to address the world in front of the text, the world you live in, and compare it to the world of The Odyssey. Choose one element of ancient Greek culture presented in this story (from Books 1-8 only) and contrast it with your culture. Analyze the causes for the differences you perceive.

Note: Don't waste much space on a fancy opener. Hook your reader's attention with a two or three-sentence intro, including a clear thesis. Your thesis should be a direct answer to the prompt. You do not need to quote unless you find one that's essential. (minimum four-paragraph response)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Part I
In Homer’s epic “The Odyssey,” the intervention of Gods, and the various adversities a person may face, are presented. The first four books recount the story of Telemachus, Odyssey’s son. The books describe Telemachus’ development into a fine young man. Meanwhile, the following books tell about Odyssey’s trials and tribulations, beginning with his return home after being held captive (Homer). The books dedicated to Telemachus’ growth and the following books dedicated to Odyssey demonstrate parallelism.
There are several correlated situations in books one through four and five through eight. The most common is that the gods always intervene in the lives of Telemachus and the Odyssey. For example, Athena helps Telemachus by advising him to look for his father because his mother’s suitors are out of control. Athena was Telemachus’ mentor and friend, always guiding him in whatever he needed to do. Meanwhile, Athena helped Odyssey when he was alone and helpless. Zeus summoned a storm to drown Odyssey, but Athena intervened. In addition, both characters encounter difficulties throughout the novel (Homer). For instance, Telemachus experienced several problems, beginning with the necessity to cut off his mother's suitors, who had no good intentions of marrying her mother. On the other hand, Odyssey encountered several difficulties, beginning with the need to return home after being held captive (Homer). Hence, some situations are parallel to one another.
Furthermore, Homer’s choice to begin with Telemachy engages readers by establishing the story’s plot, characters, and setting. It serves as an introduction, setting the reader’s mood and allowing them to anticipate what events will occur. He...
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