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The Odyssey: Book Four and Five

Essay Instructions:

This project is divided into two parts.

Book Four:

Prompt: After reading Book Four of The Odyssey, write at least 275 words that compare and contrast life at the palace in Ithaca with life at Menelaus' palace in Sparta. What similarities and/or differences do you notice in leadership styles, social structure, values, and attitudes? Also, and by way of conclusion, do you see any notable similarities or differences between Pylos and Sparta?

Book Five:

Prompt: After reading Book Five of The Odyssey, write at least 275 words that consider the relationship between Calypso and Odysseus. What benefits would Odysseus gain from staying with Calypso? What can we tell about Odysseus and his values from his desire to leave her? Should Odysseus have left Calypso’s island sooner, and has he been faithful to Penelope?

Reading Book: The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparison between life in Ithaca and Menelaus' palace.
Compared to Ithaca, Menelaus palace does not have a harsh leadership structure for residents and admirers. The King is absent in Ithaca Palace, and his wife, Penelope, invites suitors who take control of the palace. In Menelaus palace, the King is present, and thus he and his wife take control of the palace. They regularly host feasts in the palace, but the King and the queen take responsibility for enhancing security and harmony (Homer and Butler). For instance, at a banquet, the King and queen recall Odysseus' exploitation in Troy but refrain from talking about it till the following day.
On the other hand, Penelope and his suitors host a gang feast and gaming, which ends up in chaos and distraught. For instance, the suitors realize that Telemachus is gone and plan to ambush Odysseus' ship and assassinate him. Even though Penelope, the queen, is aware of the assassination, she soothes herself with Athena's vision, her suitor. 
The most observable differences between the two palaces are the hospitality and tranquility of the life of residents and visitors. In Ithaca palace, life was not convenient to the local people, but it appeared appealing and hospitable to strangers. Odysseus the King was not present, which created an opportunity for his wife Penelope to be admired and approached by many suitors who caused disorder and commotions. On the other hand, In Menelaus palace, both the King and queen were present who ensure peace, prosperity, and tranquility.
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