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Nudity In Adverts: Avoid The Interruptions That Come With The Adverts

Essay Instructions:

requirement: You will write (800 word minimum) “blog posts” that discuss and apply concepts from lectures and readings to media texts. These analyses should demonstrate your understanding of concepts introduced in class and your ability to apply those concepts to the media you regularly consume.

notes from articles and lecture:

¬ Kimberlé Crenshaw (both articles)

Why intersectionality can't wait

Blacks did one set of jobs and whites did another;women were welcome to apply for some jobs, while only men were suitable for others. ;the black jobs were men's jobs, and the women's jobs were only for whites;Court case was dismissed - Racial and gender discrimination overlapped not only in the workplace

Beyond racism and misogyny: Black feminism and 2 live crew

Violence against women- primarily battering and rape ;All women benefit from this but not all races of women

An examination of intersectionality 

o Intersectionality is a core concept both provisional and illustrative

o Three aspects of subordination

Structural dimensions of domination ( structural intersectionality)

Policies engendered by a political system of domination ( political intersectinality)

Representations of the dominated (representational intersectionality

These are ways women of color are situated between categories of race and gender when graded as mutually exclusive

Structural Intersectionality

o Way women of color are situated within overlapping structures of subordination

o Child care, poverty, lack of job skills, passive discrimination trying to escape abuse – gender subordination – manifested in this case by battering

Political Intersectinality

o Political and discursive practices relating to race and gender interralate often erasing women of color

o “The Blackman's Guide to the Blackwoman” – failure of the black men to control black women… black me slap black women in the mouth 

Representational Intersectionality: Way race and gender images

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nudity in Adverts
Over the years the number of adverts that an adult on average interacts with have reduced. This is relative to the number of ways that people are now able to avoid the interruptions that come with the adverts. There are more add-ons on the web browsers that allow the users to opt out of viewing adverts (Johnson). In the case of the radio channels and the television channels as well, the choices are quite many. This means that viewers and listeners have the choice of changing the channel whenever their favorite program is interrupted with an advert. Earlier on, this was not possible and the viewers along with the listeners did not have control of how much content in terms of adverts they interacted with in a day. This is the same case when it comes to the social media platforms today (Johnson). While the control over the television, radio, magazines and websites increased over the years, which of the social media remains largely uncontrolled. However, in general there is a reduction in the content of adverts that people interact with, with the exception of the social media (Johnson).
Of interest however, is the fact that adverts have been a contentious issue relative to the fact that, there is a good percentage of the same that feature women nude. This is a sexualized approach that society chooses to look at women (Beetles et al.). For a woman, their body is their greatest asset, which is they do not match the standards set out for them, they do not have anything more to offer. This is despite the great strides that have been made with reference to equality.
‘During the late 1970s a body of literature developed that studied the representation of women within advertising in terms of sex roles. Goffman (1976) interprets in excess of four hundred print advertisements including images of women. Loosely grouped into categories including ‘The Feminine Touch,’ ‘The Family,’ and ‘Licensed Withdrawal’, Goffman (1976) documents various portrayals of the female (and the male) role in society and the family. Goffman (1976:33-35) demonstrates how patriarchy is represented in advertising and provides some focus on how males are depicted in advertisements containing images of stereotypically female roles. In this regard, he suggests that men are usually featured as not participating at all in the ‘female’ tasks, are given comedic value, or are depicted as being given guidance in unfamiliar environments. However, Goffman’s conceptual perspective is more a...
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