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Toulmin Argument Essay: Not Everything Is Out To Harm Us

Essay Instructions:

All the instructions and guidelines have been attached. Please send me both the draft and the final paper for my instructor needs the draft too.

I have attached three readings from where the Toulmin Argument Essay should be based on. These readings are named as: (1) There is a man with the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella. (2) The stolen party and (3) First day.

(a) Create an essay title that suggests argument.

(b)Please do not focus too much on the story . This must be an argument essay not a literary analysis. The literature should only be used an example to prove a point outside the context of the story.

Use the sources listed to support a claim.

As per the guidelines attached, please use the updated MLA style.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Argument: Not Everything Is Out To Harm Us
In life, people are presented with different challenges and opportunities. However, people view them differently, and this often separates the winners from the struggling lot. To some people, a challenge is an opportunity to find solutions and prepare for the future. Conversely, others take it as a threat that needs to be avoided by all means. These views often yield different results, but it is only the former kind who can walk the distance and be successful in whatever they are pursuing. Pessimists and cynics will always have something that seeks to dissuade them from their goal or target. Having a negative perception about things and life often magnifies life’s challenges and hurdles. For the faint hearted, this signifies the end, but for the strong-hearted, this often means that the race has begun. People can argue about how they view challenges and opportunities, but success hinges on knowing that which is set to harm us and that which is not. The interpretation of the above is crucial and forms the basis of this essay.
In the story titled There's A Man In The Habit Of Hitting Me On The Head With An Umbrella, the persona laments about the man who used to hit on the head with an umbrella. At one point he said, “at first, I couldn’t stand it: now I’m used to it.” However, before he got used to it, he went to the extent of punching the man on the nose. He thought his act of violence would stop the man with the umbrella, but the man did not stop. Everything seemed to work against him, and other people could see that he was troubled. However, as the story near the end, the man changes his perception and realizes that to live, he needs the umbrella blows. This story is indeed synonymous to how some people react to challenges at first before they finally see the opportunity within the challenge. At first, everyone’s reaction is surprise and disbelief, however, as time goes on, some people find the challenge completely overwhelming while others continue to wrestle with it trying to find a way out. While in this struggle, the world (family, neighbors, friends as well as enemies) take the first row of seats as spectators. However, if someone weathers the early blows as the man did, eventually they are presented or find a way to live or grow or learn from the challenge.
In life, it is also important to recognize the people who wish us well and those who do not. While a person’s happiness should not be dependent on other people, it is important to acknowledge that other people do play a major role. However, it is also crucial to determine who wishes you the best and who does not. These factors help one to know or identify their friends as well as those who wish them evil. In the story The Stolen Party by Liliana Heker, Rosaura is at loggerheads with her mother because ...
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