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Review Non-Cognitive Predictors of Student Success in College

Essay Instructions:

Article Review: Follows these guidelines to write a successful article review
Your article review should contain:
1. An initial identification of the article (author, title of article, title of journal, year of publication) and the main topic addressed by the article.2. A 2-3 paragraph summary of the contents and central argument of the article. Occasionally you may summarize section by section, but in a short review you usually pick up the main themes only. This section should not normally take up more than a third of the total review.3. A 3-4 paragraph critical discussion of the key issues raised in the article. This section is the core of your review. You need to make clear the author's own argument before you criticize and evaluate it. Also you must support your agreements and criticisms with evidence from the text, from other writings or from your own experience. You may also want to indicate gaps in the author's treatment of a topic; but it is seldom useful to criticize a writer for not doing something they never intended to do.4. A 1 paragraph final evaluation of the overall contribution that the article has made to your understanding of the topic.
Checklist for your final draft:
Have you identified the article clearly, right at the start?• Is the author's argument clearly and objectively summarized so that your reader can recognize the theoretical approach and the range of material covered? (About a third of a short review.)• Are the 2-3 key issues raised in this article clearly identified and discussed? (About 50-60% of the review.)• Have you given reasons for your criticism and your approval of the article?• Is there a final evaluation of the article's importance to you and to others, based on your earlier discussion?
Procedure for writing your article review:
Step 1: Get to know the article you are reviewing:
Look at the title, the table of contents, the abstract and the introduction. These should give you some idea of the central focus and the coverage of the article and the author's reasons for writing the article.
Skim quickly through the whole article, running your eye over opening sentences of paragraphs and glancing at any tables, illustrations or other graphic materials.
Read more closely the first section, which should tell you the main issues to be discussed and indicate the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the author proposes to work.
Read closely the final section, which should cover the author's conclusions and summarize the main reasons why these conclusions have been reached.
Now that you are familiar with the text, read the whole text thoroughly to develop a basis on which to critically review it.
Step 2: Decide which aspects of the article you wish to discuss in detail in your review: the theoretical approach? the content or case studies? the selection and interpretation of evidence? the range of coverage? the style of presentation?
Usually you will discuss the main issues which the author has specifically examined. Sometimes you may choose a particular issue because it has importance for you and the course you are studying, even if it is not the main issue for the author.
Step 3: Now, on the basis of your overall knowledge of the article and your decision about which issues you will discuss, read in closer detail the sections which are relevant to these issues. 
Make notes of the main points and key quotations.
If necessary, read other articles or books which are relevant to your topic, possibly to provide supporting evidence or alternative theoretical models or interpretations of data.
You may also want to glance at other reviews of the article in recent academic journals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Xuanchen Zhang
Course: CRC-100-L1
Instructor: Julius E. Heinicke
Date: November 11 2017
Article Review Paper
The article “Non-Cognitive Predictors of Student Success in College” is authored by Larry A. Sparkman, Wanda S. Maulding, and Jalynn G. Roberts. The year of publication of it was 2012, but the publishers of the journal are not provide in the article. Quite normally, in a classroom setup, there are usually variations between the compositions of the students. This is basically as a result of the ranging differences in abilities of the students therein, which is as a result of different levels of intelligence. The journal tries bringing out the argument that students who have skills in emotional intelligence are more likely to complete college education. In fact, the authors stress that IQ plays a minimal role when it comes to a student’s success in college. Because of that, the article suggests that all the universities enact ways in which they will promote the students’ emotional intelligence.
The journal is a research report conducted at an institution in the Southeast United States. The main parameters used in the discussion are emotional intelligence and academic performance research. The research was also based on some theories concern with student retention. In the theories, the authors revise Tinto's model which states that both academic and social integration are crucial determinants of a student to be retained in school. In the student departure model by Bean, the student’s ability to successfully interact with the institution depends on the characteristics they possess.
Through the other studies the authors review, they found that emotional intelligence plays a bigger role in student retention more than their cognitive abilities. The emotional intelligence skills that are point out during the study include the following; intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, stress management, adaptability and the general mood. Each category had some subcategories that are look into during the study. The study concludes that skills in emotional intelligent play a big role in a student’s success in college. It also recommends that colleges through seminars, curricular and extracurricular activities can promote emotional intelligence skills in students. This is through a procedural and systematic criteria that aims at identifying the distinct abilities of each student, so as to maximize on it while working to cut down on their weaknesses.
Basing on their studies, the authors point out various points. Demographically, single white females who have both or either of the parents with a degree and stay on campus during the first year of college are like to complete college. It was also noted tha...
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