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Storm Lake Times, A Newspaper Based In Storm Lake, Iowa

Essay Instructions:

Write a one-page (8.5" x 11") paper summarizing the following viewpoint article by Art Cullen: Wrong assumptions _ The Storm Lake Times.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window. 


Put your name in the top left-hand corner and put your high school instructor's name immediately below it.

Next, include the full MLA style bibliographic citation entry of the piece you're summarizing. 

Set margins to 1 inch, spacing to single spaced, and font to 12 pt. Do not exceed one page in length. 

Use MLA style formatting for the citation and parenthetical citations. In addition to the convention of using parenthetical citations to indicate page numbers, please number the paragraphs for online articles and newspapers that do not feature page numbers. (The student sample uses that style). 

Specific Expectations for the Summary: 

Introduce the controversy and give background information that the reader will need to understand why people are debating this question.

Introduce the writer, and explain why this person is a stakeholder in the controversy. If necessary, introduce other stakeholders, and explain how this writer and his/her viewpoint relate(s) to these stakeholders and their viewpoints.

Offer a concise but thorough summary of the position this source is advocating. This summary may be longer and have more detail than the play-by-play and argument-breakdown summaries that you wrote for class. And it may include a mixture of both play-by-play and argument-breakdown summary.

Stay as close to the text as possible, quoting the writer's exact words at times to tie both you and your readers to the original text itself. Where necessary and appropriate, cite page numbers for any quotations in parentheses after the quote (just the page numbers; no “pp.” or “p.”). Your aim is to hand your readers your understanding of WHAT this text is arguing for. Attributions and signal phrases such as “Smith says/notes/states,” or “according to Bell,” etc., will help you designate what is called intellectual property. You will not have room to cover all the points a writer makes, so you will need to synthesize the information for us, tell us what position the writer is advocating, and then offer quotes from the text itself to demonstrate (to show us) that the writer is arguing what you say she or he is arguing. Do not offer your own commentary, opinions, or arguments about what the text says, and do not offer a rhetorical analysis of the writing. Stick to content: What is the writer saying in this text? What position is he or she advocating?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Research Summary: Wrong Assumptions
Art Cullen is the editor and co-owner of Storm Lake Times, a newspaper based in Storm Lake, Iowa. In April this year, the focus of the editor on agriculture helped the newspaper win the Pulitzer Prize for its role in fighting pollution produced by agricultural companies. In the article “Wrong Assumptions,” Cullen takes on Terry Branstad, the governor the Iowa at the time and condemns his plan to use $4.7 billion of school taxes enhance water quality in the state. Cullen is against this plan as he points out that there are other inexpensive solutions.
Despite the projected benefits of increased economic activity and creation of 2,800 jobs annually, Cullen has problems with the assumptions made by the governo...
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