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Neoliberalsim And The Battle over Ethnic Studies In Arizona

Essay Instructions:
This is a one page essay with at least 30 lines. Do not list the words,student,professor and date on body of paper, only list name and date for heading.Please only select one argument from article and use the word argue once. Provide a short identification of the author's arguments and evidence the authors use to substantiate their argument. See attachment for instruction. PLEASE ADHERE TO INSTRUCTIONS.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sandra K. Soto argues that neoliberalism has resulted into citizenship being deadened and privatized. Soto explains her argument in two different ways. First, Soto concurs with the writings made by Lauren Berlant in her book "The Queen of America Goes to Washington City." In the book, Berlant explains that the national symbols like patriotic monuments have displaced live citizenship. Secondly, Soto explains that private behaviors like being heterosexual have also contributed greatly to the displacement of live citizenship. This refers to the act of active engagement in the political processes with some uncertain outcomes. People are increasingly engaging in politics and put less focus on national development issues. Sandra applauds the above comments and further adds that college degree has turned out to be a mark of dead citizenship. Even though in the past it was considered as a mark of educated citizenship which was necessary for a democracy, today, it is not. College degrees do not have value as they used to in the past. Sandra explains that the college degree is no longer significant for those who have decided to reject the political debate. Offering college degrees have also been highly commercialized. Colleges do not pay attention to the quality of education offered. They are mainly concerned with how much they make in a day. This has led to a high number of student admissions with inadequate f...
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