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WRD201: Wanderlust. Nature in Media. Literature & Language Essay

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WRD201: Wanderlust
Race shapes perceptions on nature and environmentalism and yet the popular asoociation of nature with wilderness, freedom, and individualism is simplistic and fails to consider multiple narratives. There are different narratives on outdoor activities depending on people’s experiences, perceptions, and relations with the environment. In “Bamboozled” Carolyn Finney, pointed out that the narratives on nature are racialized that “Wanderlust” is mostly associated with whites as they are shown to embody individualism and freedom, and both are centered on the ideas of identity and belonging. The Economist article "Exploring German Wanderlust” explores the depiction of wanderlust in art in an exhibition over centuries. Bamboozled helps to understand Narratives on nature linked to race including uneasiness among blacks to go through what they consider ‘white spaces’ including forests. Support for preserving the natural spaces is possible, but there is a greater need for improving access to these spaces and raising awareness about the environment, and memories on history influence perceptions about the natural environment. The outdoors represent individualism, adventure and freedom among in both the article by Finney and the Economist show that whites are overrepresented in discussions on nature, exploration and environmental spaces, while black voices are ignored .
Environmental narratives mostly typify the representations of white voices and their understanding of the natural environment and adventure, but the US and German are different demographically even as whites are the majority population. Hiking and nature traveling are shown to be common among Germans, other Europeans and Americans. The article also mentions Christine Thьrmer who had travelled to various locations in America, Australia and Europe, and the lifestyle of hiking and exploring nature is shown to be deeply embedded in western societies. Exploration is closely linked to culture and landscape, but the past and present traveling experiences of the travelers in the wanderlust are closely linked to the desire for recreation and enrichment. Travelers enjoy the natural beauty and especially when there is wanderlust, but in the US it is whites who ‘explore’ and given preferential treatment to own land. Finney (3) notes “How does the past illuminate our understanding of the present as it relates to environmental engagement?. This is relevant to understanding how narratives on American consciousness on land ownership and nature explain attitudes about the environment. It s noteworthy, that traveling to locations with people who are mainly of European descent is assumed to be safest for travelers who embody the spirit of adventure, and Finney highlighted that focus on nature and outdoor sports in publications has divergent messages for blacks and non Hispanics and framing the environment as whites the dominant narrative. Both articles are keen to stress that perception in the west s on nature are shaped by history and white narratives, but Finney highlights that diverse people of color have been disenfranchised from owning and claiming land rights in the US.
Nature is depicted as white wilderness waiting to be conquered, but there are differences since Americans deliberately exclude African Americans from the experience of nature. The most prominent voices in the mainstream environmental narratives reflect social exclusion about the place of different people in a society. The Economist article mentions “A por...
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